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My discus have been spawning :)


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With in the last 2 weeks a pair of discus that I have had for around 3 months spawned twice. Their first attempt was their best with the eggs lasting around 24 hours before being eatten. the second attempt was poor both parent ate the eggs with in 2 hours of laying. But I was very happy to be able find out which was male and female of the pair.

I still consider myself very new to discus as these are my fisrt and 3 months is how long I have taken care of them know. I guess I would like a few pointers on taking care of the parents when they spawn and hopefully get some eggs hatching next time around.

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Hi Staplez,

Congrats on having a breeding pair, I don't have Discus , but would really love to have a Discus tank set up someday, beautiful fish.I had this same thing happen with my 2 breeding Angels they would lay and then turn around and eat the eggs, hmmm not so good. Sometimes it takes a few goes for the Parents to actually become Good Parents, you could try removing the eggs and raising them in another tank, are these Discus in a Community Tank or just in a tank of their own, if they in a community they usually eat the eggs cause they think the tank mates are going to eat them.

Good Luck with your next lot of eggies, hope it all goes well.


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Congrat on getting a pair. Make sure that there is a male and a female. Quite often 2 female can do the spawning act too. lol.

For a start you can put them in a BB tank of their own with a heater and a sponge filter. A 600x450x450 is a good size breeding tank. You can put in a breeding cone if you want or let them spawn on the glass. With a breeding cone all the eggs will be layed in a tidy patch and fertile rate is higher. On the glass the eggs will be layed all over the place and fertile rate is lower. Try to place the tank in an area where there is less foot trafic . The fish will feel more secure and look after the eggs. Try not to disturbed them after they spawn. You don't have to change water after they spawn. Start changing water when you see free swimmers. Start by doing 10% water change daily and slowly increase the %age of waterchange. Feed the pair a very small amount when they are guarding the eggs once a day so that you don't foul the water.

HTH and good luck.


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I think I have to get a cone for these two. The female is trying to lay eggs on the filter intake pipe. This tank has a over hanging filter. But she isn't having a lot of luck making them stick. some are staying but most are falling off and then eaten by either of them. The male it tring to do his part to but he is bumping off most of the stuck eggs.

I know these two are a male and a female as I can see the differences in their junk. Small and pointy, larger and round.

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you will still have to remove the filter cos when you have frys they will get suck up. If your tank is fully cycled you can remove the filter totally.Just a heater and an airstone turn down low will do. Oh and the cone.

Advantage is better chances for the fry to find the parents.

Happy discus keeping and may 2006 bring you heaps of discus frys. Don't forget to take some pics.


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