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Help need with skimmer purchase

Nickle Pickle

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at that sort of price you will find most skimmers are about the same (ie ok for a very small tank with a light bioload)

as soon as you upgrade they loose their usability

in saying that i had one that size on my 90l tank untill i upgraded to my new 500l tank and i dont regret having that skimmer for that tank as any other skimmer that would have fit on the 90l tank would be far too small for my current tank. my suggestion is that yolu do good regular water changes, and keep a light fish load or alternitavly upgrade now

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Hey nickle pickle, I have a Weipro sa 2014 (i think?) that I'm thinking of possibly selling. I have used it for about 4 hours - and then I got a good deal on a larger skimmer. It cleaned up the water up really well from what I saw of it, it actually skimmed without breaking in which was a surprise.

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