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Hey guys

Nickle Pickle

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Hey guys

Nic here. Been keeping fish for about 10 years-ish. Started the way most people did i think, with goldfish and then progressing onto tropical and now i've had my saltwater aquarium for about 2years.

My saltwater tank is only 100L with two percs and their anenomea (never sure how to spell it), a cleaner shrimp, rock blenny, a couple of leathers and just bought some croals. After looking at some of the pics of your tanks I'm very keen to expand :P. I also have two tropical community tanks 60L each. Can't forget the pond outside and the fish are breeding for the first time this summer :D, although the local cats don't seem to be helping.

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Hi Nick and welcome to the site!

Been a while since I've been here so trying to catch up...if I miss saying hi to anybody new...I sincerely apologize.

About the cats and your fishy...well, sometimes cats don't get along with new ones around...so why not get some new....catfish...oh my, I've lost my mind!

Take care & have fun,


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