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Finally my new tank has cycled

Tested today:

AM - 0

NI - 0

NA - 10

Im not getting new fish until after christmas, However i am going away for two weeks from this thursday

Is there anything special i should be doing to the tank before i go to minimise death and destruction?

I have a 14 day feeding shell and i will have friends coming over to feed the cat who can check on the fishies

In the last couple of weeks ive noticed strange little things in the tank, They are very tiny... about 1mm long and are very thin, They are white and they seem to stick to the glass of the tank, I think they move, not 100% sure as the water also moves in the tank

I did some google searching and came up with Planaria, The google results didnt give me a picture so im not completly sure, I do weekly water changes (25% or so) They almost disappeared but then by the next week there were tonnes of them again

This week being the last week im around before i go away ive done a big water change, and im going to do small amounts each day..

If anyone can offer any other advice that would be cool... I cant seem to get a photo of them as they are a bit tiny for my camera skills to capture :(

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Bound to be planaria and a sign of overfeeding. I would not put a feeding shell in the tank and just leave them with no food for the 2 weeks you are away. A lot less planaria when you return :wink:

How big is the tank and how many, and what, fish do you have in it?

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Dont use the feeding shell but 2 weeks is a little to long for most fish to go without food (10 days is about max and bigger fish get aggersive with no food and will eat others), i would say if you have your friend coming over to feed your cat to just make up a few little containers with enough food in them for 1 feed and get your friend to feed them one of these containers every 3 or 4 days. That way your friend doesnt have the oppertunity to over feed your fish and even that should knock back the planaria.

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I leave my fish with no food for up to 2 weeks regularly but my tank is well established. Why not feed them once or twice a week while away? Put the right amount of food in small containers (1 for each day) with the day written on them. Pill bottles work well or small plastic bags. The people feeding the cat could then just dump the contents in on the required day. Hide the rest of the fishfood so they are not tempted to add more.

This method will have less chance of overfeeding or the food block fouling the tank.

(Oops. Didn't see your reply Jo :oops: )

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