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Hello i am quite disapointed to be saying this but a few people on this site are rather nasty! A forum is where you chat and help eachother out! well you can correct me if you think im wrong with that.

I am 13 and have loved fish all my life i finally have a tank of fish. However when i post on this forum its because i want advice! not because i want to be told to look on google which is something i do sometimes do however at times its hard since i have so much homework to do. God didnt create us to row he created us to be helpful towards one another and i hate to say this but a few people on here arnt doing that instead there being down right rude! If a lady asked asked for road directions you wouldnt say look at a map would you? you would help them, so i think its about time some people helped instead of shooing you away! being rude! or nasty! This dosnt apply to everyone just a few people on here. i hope you all see where im coming from. and that if we work together and help eachother out not just this forum, but the world will be a better place.

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Mickey, no offense but Google is everyones friend and people usually spend a second doing a bit if research into the fish they're getting into before running into a forum asking a hundred questions. Keep in mindthat for some of the members this is a very serious forum where they help people with problems on a daily basis and most of the questions you've asked have been answered in these forums before. Might I recommend using the search function for these forums and seeing if it's been covered already?

I can guarantee that no one is really trying to be nasty....


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oops sorry about the caps. Monaro is right, when he says you don't know if someone has had a grumply day so don't take it to heart. It sounds like you are very lucky to have all those tanks and parnets who encourage you to do this! I'm glad you are asking advice, well done

Google or other search engines are great - what I do to save time is type in what I need to know visit a few pages and save them to read later. There are some fantastic sites out there with a wealth of knowledge. And also bear in ind that one way is not always the best way to dop things, sometimes youwill find others doing things differently but just as successfully or they may explain things in a more clear way.

This forum is a fantastic place to start though, there are some brilliant and very knowledgeable people here and some wonderful people who are very kind too, (amongst the grumpy ones) just like in real life

Cheers :wink:

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cath ive already found a good site on tropical fish i just found it now it has the fishes name ph dh everything you lot should check it out


Im sowwi bout what i wrote but some of it is a little true however i think in future im going to check things first and do a little research because i spose if i have a lil time on here i could spread my time doing a little research too!

Does any one know how to delete threads because i would like to delete this one lol

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Hi Mickey,

It really pains me to see threads like this after all the work we do to help others.. not just once or twice.. but constantly.. day after day.. year after year... but then we get this sort of thing occasionally.

Ok Mickey.. there are two sides to look at here.

You say you have limited timed to do your searches.

We have some great news for you.

Most of us are in the same situation.. :)

Had you simply asked the methods for breeding a certain fish there would have been no probs... but you threw quite a number of questions about various "types" of fish, that "all" have different requirements, and to give you the info on the spot was pointless, as it would have taken up countless pages of explanation.

We help others that help themselves, and you can pick our brains until you become old and grey.. no problems there, as that is why we are all here.. to help others with the hobby and to learn as we go along.. plus it is a great place to find others who may become friends online that have the same interests.

You ask that the thread be deleted..

That would be a simple task.. but the whole point of this is that you have a grievance over the replies you recieved in some of your posts.

The questions you have asked have been answered many times elsewhere on this site, which has its "own" search engine at the top of the page.. but after being here two days I suppose you saw that, but just ignored it in favour of the easy way out.

Not getting at you Mickey, but years of info is stored here.. and it's all free for those that care to read it.

We can help with most things.. you just have to ask.. but ask in the form of "One topic at a time... per thread".. and that way we can concentrate on giving you the best help we can.

You say you are thirteen...

We have lots your age here.. and I am 65, and have been keeping fish for roughly fifty years.. but you know what Mickey...

I learn something new "every" day when I visit these forums, so please don't take your first few days here as a format for what is to come.

Take care now,


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Talk like that nicky will get you absolutely no where.

As by saying that, without putting a name to the person/persons, tar the rest of us.

Maybe I'm one of them??

So I take exception to what you have just posted.


I'm not having a bad day either.

Alan 104

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I myself was moved to tears by such a touching post. Group hug everyone.

I had a really good laugh at that :D even if you where serious its still funny.

Mickey, remember there's so much more to life that you could get caught up on. I mean for example, things in your immediate and physical life. We are all just an online community, and it’s not worth being offended on here, nor showing pride, or anything else, because infact, no one cares. Just chill, and have fun.


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As a common poster on an octopus forum I can easily see why many of the heavyweights here get annoyed with answering the same questions each time a new person joins. (I'm guilty of that too)

Every few days on that forum "I have a new octopus, bought it at the lfs - what do I do now", type thing. :o ,

Its good that someone so young is into the hobby, dont think of the people here as telling you off, more that they are teaching you.

Personally I love this forum, a diversity of opinions and beliefs, and I dont think I have seen any bad apples. Granted there is some conflict - but at the end of the day who cares?

Check out the Iduncan vrs Wasp confrontations that are strewn about the saltwater forum here. I love it!!! And at the end of the day, I think they like it too. What would Days Of Our Lives be without a little drama? - (even worse) :lol:

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Talk like that nicky will get you absolutely no where.

As by saying that, without putting a name to the person/persons, tar the rest of us.

Maybe I'm one of them??

So I take exception to what you have just posted.


I'm not having a bad day either.

Alan 104

I have found most people on this site wonderful and fantastic help, but there are a couple of losers who I wont name because the "tone" of their posts show that for everybody. BTW you are not one of them, but Im not naming names, just backing mickey up for being shat on.

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Guys, Mikey jumped in before he even thought about it. He has written that he feels really bad about it. I had never noticed the search button myself so don't blame him for that! It's great that he is so enthusiastic about his fish.

Ok everyone? :o

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