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Hello fellow fishkeepers


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Hi all...

I was told about this site from a friendly fellow i saw in the local fish shop. So i thought id give it a go.

I used to keep fish a for a couple of years, went off them and now im right back into them again. :D Currently i have a 160L planted tank housing, breeding angels, harlequins, breeding rams, breeding kribensis, bristlenoses and cories. I also have a 60L housing breeding bristlenoses (you may have seen me selling them on trademe), and also a 135L angelfish fry rearing tank.

I started trying to feed my fish live foods recently and only the harlequins seem to enjoy bugs. Below is a pic i sent off my phone (so it's not that great)...that's a daddy long legs spider hangin out of its mouth :D:D:D


Hope that pic worked... :P

Would love to hear of what you lot think and your replies are most welcome


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Hi antwan, it may have been me that said take a look

What shop was it in that you were told??

Welcome anyway and all the best here.

You seem to have a good selection of fish for breeding.

Do you sell them on T/M or to the shops?

We are in the chatroom about now.

Call in.

We sometimes even discuss fish.

Alan 104

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Hi Antwan,

Welcome back to this very exciting hobby, soundz as tho it wont be long and you may be selling your fishies back on Trade Me again, you certainly have a nice variety too choose from, will have to keep an eye out for ya.

You will find the people here, full of knowledge and advice, I have learnt so much since joining this forum.

Happy Fishing Lynda :bounce: :bounce:

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Thanks everybody for your replies.

Sorry everybody I just woke up :oops: :oops:

To alan.. I was in living waters with another person my age (16) and the person who told us was very interested in killie fish. Is this you??? Also, this is my first time actually raising the angelfish fry as the previous times i left the parents to raise them however they ate them each and every time :( great parents... I only sell bristlenoses on trademe as the others all get eaten.

Thankyou Caryl..i must admit it is quite entertaining looking at the huge legs hanging out if its mouth and all the others trying to get it out of its mouth.

To LYNDYLOO thankyou i really love this hobby and i hope to learn much more...hopefully my babies get a chance to grow up this time..

Monaro.. I WISH mother dearest says i have too many already so i may have to do some intense convincing.

Thankyou very much Pegasus I look forward to getting some answers.

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