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urgent help needed


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Thanks lynda,

yeah it had been weak and sick like for a while and was on its side at the top but still breathing but suffering so i flushed it down the loo to put it out of its misery.i had a feeling that fish would take out the sick i suppose its their way of putting them out of their misery.I found grant at petworld to be great and he did me a great deal on my tank from 500 down to 450 and the powerfilter and bubblewall for 50 so yeah he's really great.i like animates in palmy also as they have a great range of community fish and yo can sometimes get 10% off stuff.they tend to have a better range of fish stuff than wetpets.i had bought 5 diamond tetras,5 black widow tetras,5 serpae tetras,3 glowlights,2 black neons,5 khuli loaches and well ive had them for a 2-3 weeks now and none look sick or have died except for the danio yesterday but yeah.my pH had climbed to 7.8 so i went to animates and got pH 7.0 and now my tanks at 7.0 so thats good.i just did a water change after reading your message and will do another tomorrow and do another test but i tested it a few days ago and the nitrite was pretty much at zero but i'll aim to have it "at" zero.do you know of any good top swimming fish you know with the whole layers thing how theres the top ones middle ones etc?i need a few more top ones.oh and yeah i did find a home for those fish.mums friend wanted them and so we went to her place and she put them in the tank with the other to rasboras she had and they were swimming with them quite happily so i knew they were in a good home.

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that is about the cruelest way to kill a fish.

Giving it an underground tour of the city where it is cold, current flowing and dark, not to mention the rest of the added extras.

Then when it gets to the "poo-ponds", it's poor little body rots away and any bacteria on it is transfered to the water and thence into our "pristine" water ways.

Naughty girl. .:evil:

Just throw it hard down onto the concrete path, they are dead instantly on contact, then add them to your garden as compost.

Just hope tho that you have no more deaths and you won't have to make the hard decision.

Alan 104

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oh...........................................i didnt know about the fish down the toilet problem :oops: i was always told to just flush it.I cant bring myself to throwing it on the ground and adding it to the gardens.my mate did that and her cat fished it out and left half of it on her bed.talking about coming back to haunt yah :o what if i in future just stick it in a bag and then chuck it in the bin?i dont have the guts to "smash" it on the ground that just sounds muderous to the first degree :evil: any other nicer ways would be kindly accepted however :D

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Chuck the fish onto the concrete path hard to kill it.

Or just into a small(margarine) container till it dies.


The small container would save you from having to smack it on the ground... and, more importantly, save the fish from the 'underground tour' :-?

Sorry to hear about your lost fishies! Hope it'll get better now! :)

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