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bronze corydoras... how do i breed them


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Assuming you have a pair and they are old enough, they are relatively easy to breed. Seperate the male and female and condition them with lots of good food until the female is obviously gravid, then place them in a tank on their own. Do a good water change with fresh water from the tap and let it drop the temperature a few degrees ( I used to do this at night) and allow the temperature to come back to normal by itself. There is usually eggs next morning. I used to breed them in a bare tank prior to raring other fry like angels. They are great for cleaning up excess food when raring other fish and are better looking and more saleable than snails. The eggs are encased a bit like snails eggs and you can cut them off the glass with a razerblade and hatch them remotely if you wish. Feed on microworm and brine shrimp when free swimming. Don't raise them with sharp sand or gravel as they can ware off their barbels.

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I usually leave the eggs for 24hrs for them to harden.

Also, from my experience, Bronze Corys aren't egg eaters, it was usually the danio's or tetra's that would pick them off. I now have a 4ft tank set up with 7 adult bronze corys (offspring of original 4 i got, they lay eggs in seperate tank also) who constantly spit out eggs once a week and there are lots of baby fish swimming about in there quite safely. Also got my snowflake BN and about 100 baby Snowflakes in there too.

You can tell the male and female part from the size as the females are usually 20pct bigger than the males, assuming same age. They also look really fat when laden with eggs and you should be able to spot the eggs around the underside of her body near the tail through the skin.

Watching them spawn is good to watch, they are very active and swim about madly while doing so.

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