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Help me i want a nice fish that is compatable with...


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Hi i am 13 years old and my parens have been nice enough to let me have a 4 ft long fish tank in my room.

I have the following in there at the moment...

6 black widows

1 angelfish (the other sadly died the other week :cry:)

2 mollys

3 plattys

2 bronze coradoras

1 suckermouth pleco

2 leapord danios

I am planning on getting 2 zebra loachs and a few clown loachs. however if anyone knows an interisting fish that would be compatable with the fish above please let me know thanks...

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Hi there Mikey,

Soundz as tho your tank is coming along nicely, what about adding some,

Gourami's, Swordtails, Serpae Tetras, Neons, Black Neons, Catfish there's definitely lots of choice's out there.

Yes I agree with Manaro, I have 2 Clown Loaches, I never saw them, they were always hiding, bought another 1 and now they are out and about all the time, beautiful fish.

Good Luck with ya fish shopping. :D:D:D


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Hi Mikey, I would get a herd of neons, if you get around 15 they look spectacular, also a few more danios - they do better in a group. Catfish come in all sorts of varieties and are wonderful little fish - make sure you get a group of 4 or more of the same type as they school and like to play.

I think you are better to stick to less variety but more of the same species.

Clown loaches definately need to be in a school of 5 or more - be aware they grow into very big fish, you can maybe swap them when they get too big.

Another wonderful and very beautiful little fish is the Blue Ram. Get 2 - 3 pairs and make sure you have a well planted tank with lots of caves for them to hide from each other.


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An important thing to know about clown loaches is that they also need to be in a well matured tank - one that has been set up and stable for at least 6 months.

Clown loaches are also sensitive to water conditions and get white spot very easily but are sensitive to the usual medication. I would not get them yet if I were you. Also, did you know they lose that bright black and orange colouring as they grow? Only the young fish are that bright.

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your parents must be nice to let you have a 4ft tank!Im 16 and well wanted a 4ft tank but had to settle with only a 2 footer.In my other lil tank i had like only 3 of each(zebra danios,glowlights,neons,black neons and 2 swift rasboras plus a suckermouth catfish)and i can tell they want more of each other to play with so im getting 3 more of each so they total to 6 of each.The more the better im told.Serpae tetras are great too(getting some tomorrow)and they look interesting.But yeah there is a big range of fish to choose.Good luck in finding the ones you like.I find picking which ones to have to be the hardest.

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