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Movine a LOOOOONG distance!


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Ok im gonna be moving from Kaitaia (yep thats about 5 hours north of auckland) all the way to wellington, i only have a Silver dollar and a Silver Guarame but they are adult in size (10+cms).

But im worried about how to move them! How long will these fish last in a bag? (seperate bags of course) i also have a poly container.

I've read the stickie about posting but im still a bit unsure about what size bags to use and how long i can go without stopping.

Any suggestions appriciated!

Cheers :)

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Fish that size I would tend to just put in a chilly bin (or poly box) each, no bag. I have transported fish that way but if only a poly box, it will tend to leak around the lid, even if it is taped down!

You could also try the Plastic Box or similar for large containers with leakproof lids.

1/3 max water to 2/3 air. Don't feed the fish for a day or 2 before travel (less poo). I would also have another container of aged water so I could do partial water changes if necessary. Don't know if you are making the trip with them in 1 day or stopping overnight. I have travelled from Blenheim to Dunedin with fish bagged over 12 hours with no problems. One of our members bought a discus from Wet Pets in Palmerston North, got it to our place, stayed the night, then continued on to ChCh the next day. Fish survived with minor water change at our place just to be on the safe side.

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I dont think transporting the fish will be a big problem. Will you have a cycled tank for them to go into once you get down here? This could be the hard part, you might have to do two trips, one to get a tank setup and running and another to move the fish. Another option would be to send a cannister filter to some one in Wlg and get them to run it on their tank for a few weeks before you move, then you can put it into a new tank and it will be instantly cycled (well pretty much!).

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Wow! Thanks for all the replies. This forum is Buzzing!!!

I think i'll use a chillibin and try and make the trip in one day (13+ hours, oh dang) and i'll take a few 20L containers of cycled water to get them started in wellington.



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Dont wanta burst your bubble, but there is no such thing as cycled water, most (99%) of the bacteria in your tank are on the surfaces, stones gravel, filter, etc. It is difficult keeping bacteria on this stuff alive because they need the oxygen from the moving water. If you dont have the water/oxygen keeping your filter bacteria alive they wil die and just add to the problems when you plug it all back in.

Taking some water is still a good idea but only because it will have the same parameters etc so will cause the fish less stress when you put them back into it.

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Dont wanta burst your bubble, but there is no such thing as cycled water, most (99%) of the bacteria in your tank are on the surfaces, stones gravel, filter, etc. It is difficult keeping bacteria on this stuff alive because they need the oxygen from the moving water. If you dont have the water/oxygen keeping your filter bacteria alive they wil die and just add to the problems when you plug it all back in.

Taking some water is still a good idea but only because it will have the same parameters etc so will cause the fish less stress when you put them back into it.


(damn my cover has been blown! now they know im just a newbe lol)

Cool thats good to know! Well i'll try sort something out (ive got heaps of time before i go) Im gonna have a few issues cause i'll get to wellington then as soon as i arrive i have to start looking for a new flat! oh man, the joys of being a student!


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We are in the process of moving 10 tanks from hamz to aucks and what we do is bag all the fish up... even the big ones (hollywoods have nice big bags) and then we fill coke bottles up with the tank water to take with us and then bag the filter material up just like we would a fish but with less water so when it slosish around in the car the filter material stays wet and gets airated, so far we have had no problems. Dont clean the stones or anything just gravel vax the day before and on the day you move to get most of the crap out, an always do a water change one or two days before you move and as someone said dont feed them for a couple of days before you move. I think that is about it.

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