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in-breeding bncf


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Most stock in nz will be from same breeding..Its possilbe that different lines are here but most importers have been buying the same supplies from most likely singapore..and then being re-breed..

I have Ancistrus Bushinnose in Quarantine from Peru..about 70 mm

They are wild caught..and are from different rivers..

Thats the key, I can see some have mottled pattern while others have small white spots..Shows different lines..

Watch Commercial next week .. looks like all will be sold direct because of Pet Stores not Responding..also they have

Cheers Phill Collis

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Goodness !!!!!

Phill, if you have Ancistrus catfish ( Bristle nose ) from Peru, then there is no way that they are the same species as the common bristle nose !!!!

Not just different lines, but different species all together !!!!!

:o Am I reading things right here ? Is it an honest mistake? or is some one doing a massive snow job ????


PS. on the other hand might be some nice rare Bushy nose cats going at common prices !!!!!!!!

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Ozzie Al, most of the BNCF in NZ are one species.

It is interesting to see that Phil has not only sourced from a different country but also that means a NEW species for NZ.

One prob that I can see tho that as they are WC, they may be difficult to induce to spawn under aquarium conditions.

Ala 104

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I have approx 50 @ 70/75 mm bush just starting to show on some.

Still pot luck to sex.

They are Anctisrus Bushinose.

Small white spots on head and back,many have also a mottled look.

I have not see the local bn for years so cannot comment as to likeness.

But even so they will be New Blood Lines..

Sell from 28th at $35.00 each cheers Phill

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To breeding Wild Caught..

If Adults are imported then true will be harder but mine are still young and will grow to adult under aquarium conditions..means better success..

I will be keeping a group ,but i have breed from W C young Discus and they reportidly are even harder,, Have a go is the key..some will have success when others may fail.. That life,, Cheers Phill

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