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New Reflectors


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Well after looking at the Lumenarc style reflectors some time ago I had written them off as being far too expensive.

A few months back TM showed us some reflectors he had welded up out of steel. WOW I though, maybee we can DIY something. Then Joblog offered to send me through the plans (DIY) for how to make your own lumenarc style reflects from a thread on RC that was pulled (for infringing on copyright or some such nonsence).

I then took the rought plans supplied by Joe blog and decided that I am too dumb to figure it all out.

So next stop, a friends friend (cousin of Derecks) who is an engineer by trade, a perfectionist and has some math skills to boot.

An arangement was met, favor for favor.

Last week I recieved the 1st of 4 reflectors.






DVD case provided for scale.

They are made from 98% reflective aluminimum and are a stunning piece of engineering.

Thanks to TM for inspiration, Joeblog for basic template, Suphew for faciliting the deal, Ben the engineer for actually building the things.

Hope to get them over the tank at Christmas time.


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The plans I got from Joeblog were enough to get Ben to make them, but some of the measurements were off a little. The guy made them from thin foil like material, so he could bend it a little to get it to fit toether, we used ,7mm aluminimum so had to be spot on.

Also Ben took the design a little further, and remove some of the joins in favor of folds, so insted of being made of 13 shapes, mine are made from 8 shapes, replacing joins for folds.

We could have actually removed more joins in favor of folds (thus no rivits and more reflection) however it would have ment MAJOR inefficiencies when cutting from the source sheets and more wastage, pushing up the costs significiantly. This is a compromise if you will, the price point.


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