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Malachite Green


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I have been using this to treat my guppy tank and I would like to know how long will it take to wear off so I can put my bristlenoses back? This stuff kills most catfish and I wasn't going to take the risk and find out the hard way so I removed them. The last dose I done was today and the tank is 2/3 full.

On sunday could I remove another 1/3 of water and then totaly full the tank back up again? Would this remove or dilute the malachite green to a safe level to put the bristlenoses back?


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Well on the bottle I have its one drop per ltr of tank water and I do a half dose in the morning with the other half in the afternoon (on the advise from the LFS).

By morning the tank is really clear again but I will get some carbon today and put it in the filter and full the tank right back up to dilute it down that little bit more. Hopefully I will be able to put the bristlenoses back in tomorrow afternoon :D


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Well it was almost over night some of my fish started clamping their tails but my water is fine. pH of 7 and no traces of ammonia. I did a water change and it made no difference. My tank is always done with salt. I had this problem big time with my fry and they told me to use Malachite Green and after a weeks worth of treatment no more clamped tails occoured.

Not only do they get clamped tails but they also start to get really skinny and their nice fat tummys flatten off and then they are either sitting on the bottom almost lifeless and then they die. So far only about 5 guppies have gotten to the thined out stomach and sitting on the bottom and thats when I remove them. There was a reasonable amount affected with this but since treating with Malachite green most of them have come right again but there are still the odd couple that clamp their tails up but when I come near the tank they all open up again (yet they weren't before they stayed clamp) so untill they show worse signs I am not removing them.

So yeah thats why I have been treating with malachite green. So far its been 4 days with only two treatments (it says repeat after 48hrs).


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