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I Need Help With Fluval 04 Fittings And Pipe.


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I was just wondering if somebody could help me, regarding pipe fittings for the fluval 04 series canisters.

First of all I have the 204 MSF, the one witht he two levers on the canister.

I would like to know what size of piping I need to fit insibe the rubber bungs on the inlet and outlet (where you connect the output nozzle). I have seen fittings (spraybars, air diffusers etc) made by ehiem, but will they fit my filter, they are in a few sizes - 9mm, 12mm and 16mm. But I would like to know what size I would need.

Would hagens air diffuser fit my model.

Also does anybody have a spraybar for their 04 series, and if so, could they talk me through (or write) the parts needed to attatch the spraybar? I ask this because I have read that some people have a spraybar on thiers, but I have seen no spraybar speciffically for the 04 range, just the 03 range.

The piece of stiff plastic pipe that they give you for the inlet tube, has an external diameter of 18mm, and an internal diameter of 14mm, and I am confused as to what way companies measure their piping and parts before advertising them (whether they would advertise this piece of pipe as 14 or 18mm piping).

Also am i the only one who does not like the chunky inlet strainer and would like to replace it for something that draws water from a larger area, perhaps installing a spraybar on the inlet, is this a good idea?

I would be grateful if anybody could help me with any of these questions.

Thanks in advance,

Matt :D:D

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I have the 404 but don't know how it compares to the 204. The spraybar doesnt have fittings, it fits snugly onto the connecting pipe. I think most brands use the same size. Take the pipe with you when you go to buy the other bits.

Some people put sponge filters on the end of the uplifts. I am going to do this as I am sick of the uplift clogging with plant debris.

Sorry I can't offer more help as I have never measured the pipes.

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Hi Matt

I have a 204. Did not like the ribbed hose. Bought a genuine Eheim hose. Not cheap, but it fits perfectly on the housing, valves. It is 16mm. My fluval hose ended up in the rubbish bin. Actually that where the whole Fluval should be. Long live Eheim.


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