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Worlds Largest Aquarium (8,000,000 Gallons)- in Atlanta


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Thats not that bad, you get to see whales -and whale tours here cost about the same I think?

Season tickets are pretty cheap too, remembering that the aquarium cost more than 200 million US dollars.

That site seems to have lots of facts that are different from the official site - for example three million gallons of water seems to have dissappeared. :o

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They kinda seem like odd pricing, having a normal ticket at one third of the season price.

Pretty standard pricing strategy actually for goods in which there are no close substitutes, no resale option and the consumers can be broken up into high and low demanders. In other words, second degree price discrimination. Sweet if you are a high demander, but not so sweet if you are on the low end of the spectrum.

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The aquarium is actually going to house two whale sharks. The advertising says that they will be a breeding pair hopefully. However it has since been discovered that they are in fact two male juveniles. The prices sound pretty much on par with most aquariums around the world, people can forget the capital and costs involved in running a large aquarium.

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So where did a landlocked city get all that saltwater? It's city water chemically treated with a product that's available at most pet stores.

"Most aquariums located on a coast don't use the water. It's usually too polluted," Swanagan explained. "Most have to use [the product] 'Instant Ocean,' you have to make the water."

Computers monitor the life support system and regulate the water filtration. The water is recycled to minimize waste.

"We respect the water, and use the water. We don't just let it go down the drain. We treat this water like gold. The only water loss is evaporation," said Swanagan.

They're not saying they use it. Anyways something that size would probably not require huge water changes anyway.

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"It's city water chemically treated with a product that's available at most pet stores. "

Doesnt that mean that they DO use instant ocean, well at least that they use a prouduct that is available at pet stores - and most often instant ocean for other aquariums.

Its crazy how many fish they have in that one tank.

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