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Heck well no personal offence intended Joe.

But please try to keep perspective - There is much worse disasters, and much worse suffering, in other parts of the world, than there is in the United States, the land where the biggest human toll is caused by over eating.

If I was to get all emotional about something it would be for the people in Darfur. Course we never hear much about that.

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Heck well no personal offence intended Joe.

But please try to keep perspective - There is much worse disasters, and much worse suffering, in other parts of the world, than there is in the United States, the land where the biggest human toll is caused by over eating.

If I was to get all emotional about something it would be for the people in Darfur. Course we never hear much about that.

Wasp, i dont think he meant that!!!

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Heck well no personal offence intended Joe.

But please try to keep perspective - There is much worse disasters, and much worse suffering, in other parts of the world, than there is in the United States, the land where the biggest human toll is caused by over eating.

If I was to get all emotional about something it would be for the people in Darfur. Course we never hear much about that.


I was just confused about the date. I assumed you meant a reference to Sept. 11th (since us yanks do reverse the dates), but wasn’t sure if I was missing something from Nov. 9th (since that is the ordering here). If that was the case, I was not offended anyway.

Really, I had no intention of stirring the pot. (At least in this occasion. :wink: ) Truly an innocent question. Sorry for the confusion Wasp.

With that being said, may I offer a word of advice. Upon writing your initial pissed off response, it is usually wise to delete it (possibly many to follow depending on the level of irritation) and follow with a non-inflammatory intelligent comment. Is it really appropriate to compare suffering, even if it be from over eating? You must have watched Super Size Me the other night?! :D

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Really, I had no intention of stirring the pot. (At least in this occasion. :wink: ) Truly an innocent question. Sorry for the confusion Wasp.

I see. Didn't know you were American I thought it was some stupid kiwi trying to make something out of my refernce to 9/11 that was not intended.

So I see why it's more personal to you & therefore offer my apology for any offence given.

You must have watched Super Size Me the other night?! :D

No I didn't, no interest in it.

And having said all that, back to the ich thing, I'm not a pathologist but have seen Craigs fish, what I saw was definately ich irritans there were some large cysts hanging off. Does not mean to say there may not also be velvet as well.

As already said by several, one of the pointers to velvet is rapid death of a high number of fish.

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Yes but which one, Dont you think its a bit strange 3 or more tanks have lost 90% of there fish in the last 2 weeks! And its NOT heat related.

Luckily Mr salifert does the three main ones. So I dont think it really matters.

I havent lost 90%, probably 25%, but still enough to piss me off.

which other tanks apart from Ben?

I am seeing much better results already.

Large female Tomato is eating again and she is looking like she will pull it off.

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Importers bring fish in to the country and QT them as much as possible.

If you rely on their QT's and LFS's for protection you are a fool.

they are turning over large numbers of fish all the time and cannot completely control all diseses.

If you let a parasite in your system it is your own fault.

Your own QT is the only way to guarantee it.

I have learnt my lesson after losing 4 fish to the disease.

(90% my arse)!!!

Shit happens.

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Nope dont need him, just heard he'd lost fish, maybe, maybe not. Ask Dogmatix where his disease came from ?

Just the angel. I've had it for a few months. I don't even know that white spot was the cause of death. All my other fish are looking really good, haven't had white spot on them for several months.

The blue tang gets a few spots which disappear after a day if I move rock around, and things like that.


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