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Green Algae, Discus Tank now slowly on the mend


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Any help would be appreciated.

I have a 250 Litre tank with 5 young discus. This tank is not planted, and the lighting is not the best (pink lights)

I do plan to install CO2 in the near future, and replace the tubes with white for a more intense light, so I can plant the tank.

The PH is fine and the water temp is 30.

I have been changing 40% of the water every two days over the last week, but no change.

The discus don't seem to mind, however not pleasent to look at

I have a picture but not too sure how to post it? :hail:

After three weeks of very green water, spoke with Graham at Hutt Pet Centre and five hours after introducing Carbo Zorb to the filter media I can now see the fish.

I am told this should completely clear within 24 hours. I'll keep you posted.

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http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/postin ... t2406.html

shows you how to post pics.

The algae has no plants to compete with it so is flourishing. You are right, the fish don't mind (probably like it) but it is unsightly.

Usually I would say cut back on feeding and turn off the lights for a few days. Why not put up with it until you plant the tank? Once the plants take off they should overcome the algae.

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I think you have to un-tick the "disable bbcode in this post" or "disable html in this post" (forget which one) box to make pictures work.

Or perhaps your photoalbum isnt set to "public", otherwise we would have to log in as you to see the photos. Might be why the link didnt work.

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