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Wow check this one out!


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Nice tank,


This is what he says about coral colours.

Incomplete statement! The observation that determined trace elements those

Coloredness to promote cannot do, have anything with the primary ignition effect of the color training to do. One assumes that the production of farbpigmenten (Chromoproteinen) runs off over metabolic procedures of the koralle. Trace elements occur thereby as components of enzymes, without which color pigmentation cannot take place.

By trace element addition if the colour is thus increased, then previous a lack existed to trace elements. This explains also the observation that in many aquariums by the dosage by trace elements no increase in the chroma are reached. Sufficiently if trace elements are present, then by an additional application no increase of the Chromoprotein synthesis is reached.

the statement often belonged: „One reaches colored korallen only by lowering of the nutrients. Thus the wonderful colors thus cannot be received and train“ again are correct! A reduction of the solved nutrients causes primarily that the Zooxanthellen density decreases. The synthesis of Chromoproteinen is not at all concerned thereby. Spectral portions of the light set the formation of farbpigmenten in motion! The light quality, thus I mean the radiation intensity, spectral distribution, lighting duration, am thus responsible for the training of Chromoproteinen.

For the training of farbpigmenten the koralle needs energy naturally. Of course that it puts this energy only then into the production of colorgiving pigments, if it covered its basic need sufficient. The training of color is thus „a luxury property“. A hungernde koralle will never waste the valuable energy on the synthesis of color components.

Whilst t5s do support hard coral well you don’t get the glitter lines.

I used t5s about 3 years ago and found not problems keeping acros but did not like the unnatural colours.

T5s have to be changed about every 12 months as I found some acros started to die, maybe because of the UV once the bulbs started to move spectrum.

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