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I have read that these little blokes are very aggressive,was just wondering what your experiences with them have been.

The one I bought doesn't seem to be afraid of to much by itself.

Would it be even more aggressive with a mate and even worse with fry?


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Hmmm we have a breeding pair of these and we wouldnt dare put another fish in there cause it'll get shreded, they are either best kept in pairs or in larger groups 10+ because they can get really agro. if you do have them in a large group they are only agro while they are protecting the eggs and fry... but as soon as they fry are free swimming and are allowed to leave the mothers home the whole colony will help raise the fry.

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Thanks for all your input, I now only have 3 cichlids in my tank them being Krib (m), Brichardi(m?) and Zebra Obliquiden(Crimson Tide ,m).I would like something else in there to breed as an interest.

Can you give me some ideas on some fish that won't kill everything else in the tank?

I've tried with the krib but he didn't take to her.It started well but ended with her cowering in the corners away from everything.

Couple of females for the Zebra perhaps?

Any ideas welcomed.

I know it's a not a good question to ask without adding whether I want mouthbrooders,egg scatterers,cave spawners etc,but I don't realy know myself.


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  • 3 months later...

Hey Geetee

Are your Kribs still in this tank with these brichardi? My pulcher wouldn't have a bar of that - I had to pull the kribs out but they were smaller.

I have new n pulcher 7 of them up to 3 inches. After reading the above I'm wondering whether a few more might stop them being so aggro with each other. They have formed two teams 3 on each side but there is an odd one out who really gets the bash :oops: . Hopefully they have enough room and I have rearranged the tank today to provide more territorys. :-?

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