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Discus help........


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i just noticed that one of my discus was swimming funny, his hole body movement was very exegerated and his nose pointing down. he also looks fat or bloated, he has always been a bit poggier than the others but this is a bit extreem

any one got ideas?????

oh and ph 6.8 and gh about 40ppm, colour is normal and no other visual signes but breathing a little fast



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ok i think it is bloat or somthing related, as his belly is floating, he is still very alert and can swim very fast but when he rests his belly (along with the rest of him) floats. Is there any helping him, i forgot to add that he is in a Q tank

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Thanks for your responce Phill

Well he has lasted threw the night, his bloatedness has gone down, helen noticed that he had a very large poo hanging out his anus, she talked me into squezeing it out, as i did he released alot of gas(and poo) and now his tummy is down to aprox normal size, but it still trys to float. He is still a strong swimmer (when he wants to be) so has given me a little hope, but i think i will be alot happier when i see him up the right way.

Is there anything i can give him that would cause diearhea, so can flush his insides out??????

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While Helen was dropping the kids off i thought i had nothing to lose, i decided to add tonic salt as per instructions, i used one rounded tablespoon per 20L, rasied the temp a little and went off to work. While Helen was out she stoped in at the lfs and he told her to add tonic salt, so she come home and added one rounded tablespoon per 20L.

I come home to find 1 discus swimming upright, pacing up and down the tank as if begging for food. He has a little fungis on him and it looks as if the pec fins disolved in the salt (as there are little stumps left) but i think we can recover from that. I am feeding him flake as i think this will be easy on his tummy, am going to do small daily water changes (to dilute the salt) am start on the melafix (for fungis and fin regroth)

If anyone has any other ideas or advice, i am all ears...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a update, After where i had used my fingers to squeze him and release the pressure, it fungised, really bad, to the point that when the fungus cleared it left a large hole in the side of his stomach, and i could see all the insides :o Keeping with regular water changes (at least once every other day) and alot of melafix, his stomach has healed completley. He looks a bit deformed around his tummy and vent fins (they also rotted off) but other than that he looks to be in great health and will be looking to release him from Q in the next week or so :D:D:D

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Bk The last two treatments are not easy to get..Flub..is usually in large containers.. prazi if liquid same again..if liquid prazi...Take special care as it can make discus very unstable for months..could lie flat on bottom of tank and all that worring stuff..But if you get ..drop a mail and ill explain what i do..I have been using on goldfish for years..Both are protected by laws and cannot come from anywhere but vet..both white and you know what that means if found in transit..

But with out microscope still like shooting with shotgun and hope you hit something.. :evil: Cheers phill

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