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Hey Hey Hey!!!!


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Hi all, im pretty new to this and i have no idea what I'm doing but anyway....

I've been keeping fish for about 5 years now and have half a dozen tanks at the moment, biggest being a 6 by 2 by 3 foot tank.

I'm really into my plecs and its pretty much all that i keep. I have one or two spread through my tanks :wink: also a few discus oh and a silver arowana thats about 50cm.

I have bred a couple of plecs and would like to breed a few more species.

This site has been very interesting for me as people share their experiences and also the species which they have in their collections.

Great site guys, thanks very much


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Hi :P

im pretty new to this and i have no idea what I'm doing but anyway

With all those tanks, you must mean this site :D This is a great place! You should add where you are from...I know people meet in the chat room around 9 p.m...New Zealand time that is! Oh gosh, you do have where you live :oops: :oops:

Take care,


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