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Bent looking Neon Tetra


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Hey guys,

I have a school of neon tetras, glowlight tetras and glowlight danios (they are all in the same tank).

I have noticed over the last few weeks that one of my neons has lost almost all of it's colour, I thought it may have been stressed, added some cycle and kept an eye on her.

This evening, I noticed that he tail now looks bent or is kinked at the end. I have added some Melafix into the water. She is still eating and swiming around. What is wrong with her?

These schooling fish have been in this tank for about a year it is well cycled all the tests come back fine. I change the water weekly and also do weekly vacums and each change Aquaplus and Cycle is added, what could be causing this and will it spread to my other fish?

Is there any cure?

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Yes there is a certain cure that you should carry out as soon as you have finished reading this.

Dispose of it.

Why risk the others for the sake of a $2.50 fish.

I'm not saying that it is TB, but that is one of the signs of it.

Loosing colour is also a bad sign.

In the right places, that tends to be a sign of Neon Tetra desease.



Go and do it NOW.

Alan 104

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Thanks Alan,

I thought that might be the case, but didn't have the heart to do it!

I also thought that there maybe a chance she will come right as the colour was stating to return (probably me just being over optimistic) but with the bent tail and having trouble swimming, it was probably neon disease.

She survived for quite sometime till the kink in her tail appeared, fingers crossed it hasn't spread.

Have built up the courage and disposed on her as loosing 1 is better than 30! Ah the joys of fish keeping!

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Remember that if you buy a group of say, neons, chances are they are siblings so all the same age. This means they will all start dying at the same time too when they get old.

As Melanie noted, once a fish is not in top condition the others notice and it goes from being "my friend and part of my shoal" to "hey look -fishfood!" and the others pick on it.

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Just a note that I'ld like to make is that I find Discus easyer than Neons to keep alive. I have 3 Discus and heaps of Tetras in a tank and if theres going to be a problem with health it will be the Neon first followed by Carbinals next and the rest don't seem to have any problems. Head & tail ligths, Rummy nose, Glowligths, Rams, Corys and Discus all seem to be hardier. Will give up on Neons I think these just to much in breeding now.

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