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pics of my old brackish tank..


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wish I still had it... had an archer (t. jaculator) . monos A & S (10 all up), chromis( breeders) , borneo tiger , bristlenoses... and spiney eels ( they don'y mind the salt ) even thou the mix was only 2 teaspoons per gallon.




am planning on setting up a new 4ft brackish .. but have to off load a large sized 3ft marine tank with clowns , live rock , inverts , and caulerpa first..

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Holy cow! klay, I just went through and saw three of your past tanks and I'm in awe, bro! The skeleton tank was amazing, the riverbank scene impressive and this tank just... well, as a big fan of brackish tanks, this is the best I've seen. The only things you were missing were some Mango tree branches, mudskippers and 4-eyed fish.

I ran across archers on the Brooklands price list yesterday. Seriously made me stop and consider setting up another brackish tank. Any suggestions or advice on where to get the proper fish and plants?

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Well B&K .and all others reading. mudskippers and anableeps are not suited to the tank that was shown ... hence no scats either .. with the plants after alot of years learning as most people do I know the tolerances of salt the plants in the pics can handle ... besides when was the last time you saw a real muskipper in NZ ... was in the LFS trade a couple of years ago and only thing provided was the " long skipper" which is the false skipper ... just looks like one but longer and no developed legs ... ( if you believe in evolution.. it is a slow developer of the same family as the muddy).. :-?

plant wise keep with java , anubius , val , hygro ,.. once you learn how they handle salt then you can keep crypts (YES , CRYPTS FOR ALL YOU DISBELIEVERS ... :D ) ... but in saying this the salt concentration wasnt much ... only thing is vary the salt mix per water change .... keeps them all on their toes.. :wink:

have other brackish tank pics .. will post soon.. cheers K.

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The one with the "flat body on top" is an archer fish - they're well known for being able to shoot a drop of water and knock insects into the water. The other striped one is a Borneo Tiger and they're well-known for... well, eating smaller fish (hence the name and stripes).

Oh, you asked klay. Soz.

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Cheers Craig , Unfortunatly don't have this borneo anymore .. at the same time as this tank was running had these beauties in a six ft.


had 2 of them , about 14" long 5 years old .. they displayed strange actions with each other ( having never seen borneos courting can't say , but the behaviour was interesting)... they were so cool , feed them fist sized goldfish! :o .. sorry all you lovers of them.. :D

while away one time in Cambodia my LFS place of work were looking after them and due to their incompetance they killed them :evil: .. so I got rid of the tank in the post as I couldn't look at them without feeling both :evil: :evil: :evil: & :(:( :evil: ...at my previous employers.!

one day I will get some more but still feel "pissed off".....

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the lil' Borneo/Siam/Bozoland :lol: tiger is a "Datnioides Microlepis" .. the large bugga's are "Datnioides Quadrificancis" .. ( excuse spelling) only going by memory here and theres alot of grey clouds in there :o

the Archer is a "Toxotes Jaculator" ( think they should change that name ... hmmm :-? ) .. easier to keep than the "Toxotes Chateraus" and basically these of the four types of archers are the only ones you see in NZ .. (tox .chat )has spots between the stripes and the (tox . jac) has the yellow tail and fins . if anyone decides to buy these guys and wants more than one buy them all at the same time so they get familiar with each other , plus have a large tank... if you buy one then later buy another .. forget it ... and also don't mix species( t.jac )will always pick on (t.chat) .. and that always leads to a fish called 'bob".... :( :-? .. who smells :o

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