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Hey all - I'm moving house next week, and I need some info on how to transport all my aquaria stuff...

I only have 5 small fish, so I was thinking of having all of them in a bag (I was given a few from my pet store), and having a separate bag for my live plants. Is it possible to just take all the water out, and leave the gravel where it is while I move it all? My new house is only a 5 minute drive away, and I've got an U/g filter, so I don't really want to disturb that...

Also, I wanted to use as much of the tank water as I can, so if I just dump that into buckets, and just put it back in the tank, let it settle, and then put the fish back in their home, would that be fine?

Anything in there that's a big bad, or anything else I need to think about?

Cheers :)

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How big is the tank? Moving anything up to around 3ft in the manner you suggest will be fine. Empty as much as you can out of the tank until it is just the gravel with the water level just covering the gravel. Buckets work well, just watch for sploshing. Empty some of the tank water into a bucket and throw the fish in there, no need for bags.

Leave the plants in the gravel. If it is only a 5 minute trip they will not be harmed nor will they dry out much until you get the water back in the tank. They will cope being out of water for an hour or two with no trouble.

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The tank is only about 26L, so it's a reasonable size... A damned sight better than the 5.5L bowl I had before!! :lol:

That's cool about not having to do too much to move! YAY!

I thought it was going to be a mission from hell, but obviously not! :D

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