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Feeding time!


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Hi Folks, I'm still doing my research before committing to a marine tank. This may be a silly question to those experienced, but, do you feed the corals, anenomies, clams, polyps, i.e. everything else that is not a fish?

Oh, and I'm currently reading the book "The New Marine Aquarium" by Michael S Paletta, which I find really good so far. Any other really good books (besides "The Concientious Aquarist" which I will be getting next).


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Hi HelifaxNZ

Good luck with the new tank and welcome to the board.

First of the Bob Fenner 'Concencous Marine Aquarist' is a good book, but its a bit dated. Its a good read but I wouldn't reccomend it (and I own it). The best book for a newbie would be from the same published by Tullock "Natural Reef Aquairums", its basically an update to the Fenner book and has much more information, and much of it is more relvant.

Also for corals Bournemans "Corals" book is generally considered the best. I would endorse this and its in keeping with the Fenner/Tullock book.

As for feeding the invertibrates. You will get a dozen differnt ideas. For me personally (at the moment) I don't 'target' feed any of the inverts, but I do feed the tank with 'plakton' like foods.

You will hear lots about nutrients, and corals needing nutrients etc. Watch the symantics of it all. Corals can benifit from nutrients, or can be impeeded depending on the nutrient types and coral species. Most/all corals benifit from feeding though. Either way you can keep corals successfully without feeding them.

Good luck. There are lots of people with tanks on the Shore, so make contact with JetSkiSteve and I am sure he will point you to view some tanks and discuss some ideas.


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no argument here about the anemone's, but my lps respond well to feeding, for example my caulastrea grew alot faster when i was feeding them, i havent fed for a while now cause im lazy and as you said pies they still look fine and will be happy enough.

some like tubastrea need it to survive and if you dont feed them they will die.

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