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carbon dust


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when using the flat worm exit i used some nasty carbon that released alot of dust into my tank (even after a really good rinse)

it now coats all my rocks and when it lands on various acros/montis it causes tissue necrosis very quickly.

now im planning on moving every thing into the sump for my new tank while i wait for every thing to be setup. but i dont want this nasty stuff to carry over into my new system, i did a water change last night and tried syphoning it off but it didnt want to come off (caked on) so how do i get rid of it with out scrapping all my rock and starting again

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slowly! how about this?

1. syphon about half of the water out of the tank and into a new tank, dripping through a piece of filter wool to ensure no dust gets through.

2. get a separate large bucket and fill it with saltwater.

3. take each piece of rock out, put into the bucket and blow the rock out with a powerhead, transfer the clean rock into the new tank. do this for each and all rocks.

4. syphon the rest of the water from the existing tank through the filter wool again, til the new tank is fill (or dump a percentage of the water and replace with new saltwater)

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