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Did I poison my fish?


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OMG...it was really hot here today and even with the fans going tanks were getting really warm 80 with the fans.

So I put ice cubes in baggies and put them in; but I also used gel ice pack, which I have used before.

The gel pack sprung a leak! The back of the package said non-toxic but I called the company. Explained where I had the pack; and she said that it should not harm the fish that it is non-toxic to humans and animals.

I went to their site on the net and saw that it contains "carboxy methylcellulose" well, the bottles do...can't find out re: the gel packs.

PLEASE help...what should I do? This was the 29 gallon that I was having trouble with my platies and guppies scratching...I don't think I can do another water change as I just did one today.

It's also time to feed them...should I?

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scratching? ... do you mean flashing ... glancing off rocks etc ? .. sounds like gill irritation/damage ... do regular ( 2nd day) 50% cured water changes and increase oxygen to tank and see how they fair ... from what I have seen once gill damage has occured they will stay that way no matter what ..sorry to say this but if they don't improve , you know what you have to do :(

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:D Hey Caper, have been thinking about your fishies

How is everyone doing? You poor thing what a fright you had.

I was doing my water change the other day and was poised about to dump a bucket of water into the tank when my son yelled out "WATER AGER" I had forgotten to add it to the bucket so well done for him rescuing my fishies. :o

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The breaking gel pack...apparently hasn't hurt them...I've haven't seen any adverse effects from that...will post in the disease section about the scratching!

I was doing my water change the other day and was poised about to dump a bucket of water into the tank when my son yelled out "WATER AGER" I had forgotten to add it to the bucket so well done for him rescuing my fishies.

How are your fishies? Did you still add the ager afterwards? Couldn't you do that right away and they'd still be ok?

I'll be waiting to hear how you made out :(

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Yes would have added it to the tank soon as i remembered and crossed my fingers. :oops:

I bought a printed background for my tank today and my Siamese fighter is all upset about it (he doesnt like change) He is swimming or rather stalking about with all his fins and gills sticking out. He will get used to it eventually I am sure.

We have here small plastic bags that 'zip lock' they could be really helpful for you next time you need to cool off the fishies. :)

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