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Okay, I was watching my gorgeous guppies today as they swam and suddenly I noticed a commotion. The guppies were attacking something that looked like a long, brown worm. At first I thought that they'd discovered a piece of poo or something of that nature, but then I saw it moving by itself. It really was a worm! Gross-a-roo! It was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

Okay, anyhow, I got a net to scoop the worm out andflush it but couldn't find it. It is WAY too big for those fish to have eaten, but even though I swished about in the tank for a bit, I coudn't find it.

What the heck is this? Where could it have come from?

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Hi again Melster :),

Sounds like you had a leech in your tank. Could have come in with anything that you've brought into your tank from a pond or stream, or perhaps picked up with some fish. If it's a leech it can compress body segments and end up a little ball the size of a piece of gravel - which worms really can't do. Very hard to find once they try and hide.

Do you put tonic salt in your water? It's very bad for some scale-less fish like elephant noses but very good for livebearers. It also helps prevent little critters from living too well in your tank.

So, keep an eye out for the "worm" and put up a pic if you can. How to get rid of leeches? I think vinegar if it isn't salt. I know a member (Modern Angel) of our local fish club had a leech infestation... wonder how he got along with that....

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Okay, it's about 2 inches long. It doesn't really look like the leeches we used to get stuck on our legs in the river, but it is the proper colour.

However the fact that I cannot find it now tells me that it very well could be a leech.

I will get a picture of it if it comes back out again, but I caused enough havoc in the tank digging for it and it didn't come out. I don't know that the siphon will work as I don't know where it is.

This is the baby fish tank. It has baby guppies and a few big guppies from various sourses--animates and a local breeder. I don't put any tonic in but I may have to go out tomorrow and get something. Is there a brand that's good for killing this sort of thing?

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Yup, it's called bleach and they sell it with a Pam's brand name at Pack'n'save ;)

That was a joke. Did a little googling and most advice is to "soak the fish in a salt bath" but no overall treatment for them. Once again I advise adding some salt....

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Salt didn't work with the leeches I have, had some in a 80L tank, ended up throwing around 10 tablespoons of salt in there and the wee feckers just would not die. I picked a few out and dosed salt directly on them and that did work, obviously you need to get *every* leech in the tank like that, which is impossible.

Boiling water and cleaning the whole tank out worked wonders though :D , I'm going to try copper sulphate on my 6ft tank and I have no desire to dismantle that after just getting it to look good with semi decently established plants now growing happily in there.

I'll update you on how I get on :)


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Hiya Modern, was hoping you'd chip in about the leeches. That's a lot of salt for a 80L tank!

To anyone reading this that may be trying to deal with leeches - check compatibilty of all your fish before trying any medication. Copper based products may kill your catfish - including Bristlenoses, Plecos, etc.

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The guppies were attacking something that looked like a long, brown worm.

Just wondering if it is a "live" bloodworm, as they often come in with livefoods un-noticed.

Also wondering if a piece of raw meat (steak or something).. would attract it so that you can catch the damn thing :)

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Well, seeing that I'm curious, we are having steak tonight and I can put a piece of it in the aquarium. I do recall seeing it a few days ago but I dismissed it as my eyes starting to go.

The larger guppies were nipping it like crazy but it escaped from them. That's not to say they didn't finish it off and eat it during the night while I was sleeping.

What does a blood worm look like? I don't use live foods on a regular basis and never have in this new tank, but it's possible it got in with the plants and rocks I brought in.

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I know what it is...it is the Loch Ness Monster...that is why they can't find it...it is hiding in Melanie's tank :o

Sorry...couldn't resist...if I saw anything like a worm in my tank I would go ballistic...ahhh...make that crazy! Sorry Ballistic :o

But worms...and snakes...or anything that closely resembles...scare the...?....out of me :evil: :evil:

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Hey one way of bringing it out will include a bottle of wine , tweezers and a cotton ball and some formuline.. first pour a glass of wine .. sit next to tank , place arm into tank along the bottom , commence to sit there finishing bottle until leech appears and attaches , extract arm and use tweezers (lit cig can subsitute) to remove said leech .. then use cotton ball to stop bleeding... then place said leech in the nasty liquid , formuline not the wine :o .. and send pic of said leech to this site for us to identify ........

hopefully it won't be a spiney eel :D:D

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Well, it's either hibernating or the guppies killed it and ate the body. I have not seen it since I posted this thread.

I did see it wriggling in the gravel when I had just guppy fry in this particular tank, but dismissed it as a piece of poo. It was the first day that I put the large guppies into the tank that I saw its entire body and saw them attacking it.

My bet is that it came out again and they finished it off.

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