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PLEASE HELP...is goldfish dying?


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sorry....had this posted in wrong section.

1 of the fantails:

Underneath..."chin" so to speak...is really red.

1 of the fantials:

One of his smaller fins near the caudal fin? but smaller is red.

UPDATE ON 2ND ONE: Fin is no longer red and he/she is fine.

Any ideas??? I tried to get pics but they just would not stay still!

Water (change & vaccuum) tonight...didn't get done last night too late getting home:

ammonia 0

nitrites 0

pH between 7.2 and 7.6 - 7.6 is a darker blue and this is almost a light blue but not 7.2!

Oh and the carbon filter is due for a change.

prone to swim bladder problems which means the fish has trouble swimming upright, or straight. It is often worse after feeding and can be helped by only feeding fine flake or live foods rather than dried pellets which swell up inside the fish.

If the fish appears otherwise healthy and is able to feed I would not worry about it.

UPDATE ON 1ST ONE: I'm sure there is more on swim bladder here...but still new at tring to find things using search!

I've been reading about the swim bladder disease, and found this thread in another post (part of your reply Caryl).

-eats okay (they all had peas, Tuesday)

-from the best I can see, the red under the chin is gone, but not sure

-when eating he swims

-he floats around till he gets "stuck" in the artificial plants

-dorsal fin clamped

-tail fins...certainly not "open" like his tank mates, so I guess they would be considered clamped

Could this be swim bladder disease? Been reading about it, but unless I'm misunderstanding the sites I've found so far say they "stay" on the bottom. I'll keep searching here & on the web.

Is he dying? Is there anyting I can do? I put aquarium salt in the other night instead of changing the water. Changed/vacuumed last night.

I even took the fish out (not something I normally do) to give tank a good vacuuming. I placed them in the bucket of water I removed from the tank and placed an air line in with them (covered bucket). Now because I was in a hurry to get them back in, I didn't really notice if this fish stayed on the bottom of bucket or was on top, darn.

PLEASE HELP...I don't know what to do!

Okay...just checked again...I think the red under the chin is gone now or at least not like it was. But looking at him...it almost looks like his has an "8" shape to him...as if the lower end towards the rear...is swollen a bit...damn, not good at describing...try to get pics.

This is where he ends up trapped...until I free him. The orange section, coming down his belly (behind the gills) that is what appears to be swollen on both sides of him.


He's the one with the nose down


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It looks like you are having some trouble in both your tanks, Caper. I am glad to hear that the fantail with the red fin is better. That's one less fish to worry about.

I am not completely sure what is wrong with your other fantail but I will give some suggestions anyway. The water seems good which is great considering the surprise additions to your bioload. The floatiness could be swim bladder but with the swollen tummy, I think of consipation. This can cause bouyancy problems too. However, this shouldn't cause clamping of the fins so I am not confident in that.

For consipation fasting for three days followed by three days of peas is meant to help.

Best wishies for your fishies!


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Thanks mustcooktea :bow::bow:

Okay...three days of fasting...then 3 days of peas...I'll try that.

Yes, I thought maybe it was too many fish with my 3 new suprises...and the fact that I was late doing my water changes. But when I tested, ammonia, pH, nitrites were good (don't have kit for nitrates, can't get that here & forgot to get last time when I was in Halifax).

Where he keeps getting "trapped", will this in itself kill him????

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He doesn't look tooo trapped. Maybe he feels comfortable there because it stops him floating about

Oh...that is good to hear...never thought of that as being a possibility! When I went to check on him before, he was swimming/floating a bit so that means he isn't "trapped" as I thought because he can get free.

I don't feed any of my fish on Sunday but for my goldfish it will be Day 1 (of 3) of no food to see if it is indeed constipation.

I'm hoping that is the problem since the other fish seems to be fine.

mustcooktea, do you always wet flake food and make it sink for your goldies????

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do you always wet flake food and make it sink for your goldies????

Yes, I do, Caper. This is because I had read about this being good for fancy goldfish with their round body shapes. When the fish see me they start swimming back and forth in the tank, rather than come to the surface. I find swirling the food in a plastic cup with some tank water easy as I don't have to get my fingers wet.

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Goldfish was doing reasonably well...get in plants...get free...until :(

I went over to check on him and was horrified to see one of my ottos on his tail working his way up...I moved the plant and freed the goldfish...then one of the other goldfish started to nip at him.

As important as I know it is to have a quarantine tank...I'm just not able to get one.

Anyway, I've removed the poor little bugger and put him in a bucket with tank water and an airline. But even if it was constipation, he can't survive without a filter can he? He's pretty much just floating around the bucket :(:(:(:(:(

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He can survive without a filter if you do large daily waterchanges. Next time you're at a fish shop pick up a sponge filter (about 5-6NZ$) and keep it in the main tank somewhere hiddenish. That way you have a precycled filter to use in a bucket or whatever else which only needs an air pump to do it's job :)

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The goldfish didn't make it :(:(

I'll see if I can get one of those sponge filters...hmmm....must look on net to see what they are :-? . What I need is a quarantine/hospital tank but...just cannot get one right now :(:(

Thanks mustcooktea & misnoma :bow::bow:

I don't feed any of my fish on Sunday. Monday is the day that the goldfish have been getting their peas and from now on I will mix their food with tank water then put in the tank.

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Hiya Caper, sorry to hear about your loss. Just a FYI if your fish are feeling weak and get "stuck" in the plants, sometimes it's better to leave them be to give them a rest. Swimming takes a lot out of fish when they're fighting disease or parasites. A hospital tank (even a little $8 cheapy) is a great idea, and you don't even need a filter if you change 10% a day. I have a little 10g tank with a sponge filter that I use for hospital/quarantine/temp home/baby grow out. I have an advantage of being able to use a UV sterilizer on the tank between occupants, but if you're careful that doesn't even matter. Anyways, if I see a fish that's looking sickly, I immediately test the water, do a water change and pop the sickly fish into another tank to treat them or just give them a good rest. Good luck next time!

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Another of my goldfish (Squirt) is now doing the same thing. I know that he too will die just like the other one. :(:(:(

I checked my water the other night, everything was ok...well, the pH was between 7.2 and 7.6 could this have anything to do with it?

I did a water change yesterday. I've been doing some reading on the net. Should I be doing smaller changes for the goldfish more often than once a week? I thought if the water parameters were ok then once a week is enough?

I don't know what is happening...any ideas?

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Caper, that is such a shame! :(

I have no idea what is wrong but since two fish have died it may be something that they brought in with them.

Your ph shouldn't be any problem I wouldn't think. And you are right about the water changes, as long as the parameters are fine a weekly water change shouldn't be a problem. It is only if the tank is cycling or, once it has cycled, the nitrAtes get too high before the next change that the water change size or frequency needs to be increased.

Was Squirt one of the new ones? I hope everyone else hangs in there!

Best wishes


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Thanks folks!

These 2 were 2 of the 3 that my son surprised me with. Perhaps, they were already ill when I got them...I don't know.

The 3rd one Beauty seems to be doing ok...although, her tail fins are deformed...nothing major that I can tell...she seems to be doing okay...as are Puff and Sam. Beauty was the one I posted on that had one smaller fins turn red...but then it cleared on its own.

Thanks again :bow:

Snowman, I asked in the your post about your sick guppies...how are you making out...anymore losses? Forget I asked...you have updated :oops:

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It sounds like your goldfish had parasite problems to me. Clamping the fins, and the redness you described are all good symptoms.

I kept goldfish for many years, and I found that a lot of them have terrible parasite problems, maybe it is because many are raised in outdoor ponds initially.

I found an excellent book by a Japanese Professor who specialises in goldfish and koi, and his remedy works really well.

What you want to do is buy some potassium permanganate - you can get this from any pharmacy. You mix some crystals with water out of the tank in a bucket. You want it to be a light clear purple/pink colour, you don't want it to be too strong, otherwise it will strip the scales right off the fish and kill them. You can leave the fish in this solution for a few hours.

I have also added salt to this solution (which makes it go a more greeny/yellow colour, and left goldfish in it for a few days (no feeding) with just an air bubble.

This has worked wonders for me, on both goldfish and tropicals. It is also really good for fungal infections!

Good luck.

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