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is he ok?

fishy family

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My son has a 40l tank with undergravel filter and 6 zebra danios and a small fantal which we got on the weekend.

Everytime I look in on it the fantail is sitting on the bottom of the tank facing the rear wall which is mirrored.

I havent seen him do much but my son (9) assures me he sees him swimming.

Should I worry?

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If your house is a nicely insulated warm one you may get away without a heater. Danios are tropical fish (22 - 27C) and fancy goldfish (which most say shouldn't be mixed with tropicals) like slightly warm temps (18C).

The danios may not be upsetting him at all and he is just getting used to new surroundings but if he is not used to other faster fish, it might be disconcerting. Just a thought.

These fish will show their colours more with dark gravel. Fish camouflage themselves so they can't be seen by predators from above so try to blend in with what is below. Light gravel (white is for marines) makes them pale and washed out.

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when I bought the danios from hff they said they were cold water ones and had them in a cold tank.

As this is our third tank in the family (not counting the pond) I didnt want the hassle of another heater so wanted coldwater fishies for my son.

Should I put the danios in my community tank and get him another fantail?

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"Cold" is a relative term. Danios, and quite a few tropicals, can tolerate lower temperatures but are not true cold water fishes.

Give the fantail time to settle in. Your son said he has seen him out and about so just make sure he is eating.

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