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missing scales


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Could someone please let me know if a goldfish can grow back scales, I have noticed that one of my goldfish seems to be missing a couple of them. The area where they should be seems pale so it doesn't seem really deep to form a wound but there definitely seem to be a couple missing. Should I do anything about this, I think this might have happend in transit.


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Hi Radu,

Scales will grow back.. no prob.

The thing you "need" to know if "How did it lose the scales"?

Was it bullied, or did it lose them on something sharp like rocks and such..?

Just watch out that the area doesn't fungus, and if you see any signs, then treat with a proprietary cure.. or.. (my choice).. a salt bath using one tablespoon of Sea Salt (blue bag... supermarket).. per four litres of water.

Disolve the salt thoroughly before adding the fish (use separate container)..

Leave in here for half an hour or so then return to tank.

Repeat each day and you will see some results in around a week.

Use a fresh mix each time.


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