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Hello to everyone out there.

I very recently joined this site so thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself.

I've been keeping fish for about four years.This addiction began when a friend of mine gave me a small tank and three labidochromis caeruleus as a present.Four years or so on i still keep Mbuna but now have three tanks(cut back from six...got seriously out of hand!!!)and approximately sixty fish.

I plan at some stage to try my hand at keeping other fish in a different environment but for now my mbuna keep me busy enough.There is always something new to learn and these fish never cease to amaze me.

Am happy to have found this forum and like minded people.Now i know i'm not the only addict out here!!

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Hi and welcome Bulldog,

great to hear of mre fishkeepers out there, sad tho that yoou cut down the tank count.

We are currently sitting at 12 tanks(mysticvampyre and I) and love every minute of it.

Heaps of info to be found here and heaps of great people.

Also if the fancy should take you there is the chat link at the top of the page and a group of us meet there most nights round 9pm.


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absoutly!,kapimana is a great option!!! :D:D we meet tha last wed of every month,



20 Mexted terrace,Tawa

were a great bunch of people,fun atmosphere,we get together and get active quite frequently

we have about 30 members now, its growing like crazy! lol :D

need a new venue soon aye kapi ppl!!lol :P


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were a great bunch of people,fun atmosphere,we get together and get active quite frequently

Speak for yourself Tim. I don't get active very often at all ............ :lol: :lol: :lol:

Welcome bulldog, theres a huge amount of help and information here and I agree with the others - the Kapi Mana club is a great club to join.

Where in the Wellington area are you?



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Hi...and welcome :P

I've been keeping fish for about four years

Hmmmmmmmmm...another person for me to drive crazy with questions... :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is a fantastic site...and everyone is always eager to help.

Take care and happy fishing :o

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