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cloudy water


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in the last week i have noticed the water in my litle 2 foot tank starting to cloud up and its worring me as i can see no problems

all water tests normal no new fish added.been doing regular water changes ect.nothing out of the ordernary realy but the water has clouded up and i normaly have crystial clear water.

any idears anyone.

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Hi Candy,

Welcome to the Fishroom :)

Other things you should look out for besides the above are:

New tank setup... Normally the water takes a while to get real clear.

Overfeeding... Decomposing food or plant matter.

Dead fish lurking under rocks etc.

Ornaments or substrate breaking down.. Try the Vinegar test.

Place a bit of rock/ornament/gravel into a bit of vinegar.. if it fizzles.. regect it.

Too many fish..

The filtration of the tank can't cope with the waste being produced, so the bacteria builds up causing cloudy water.

Try a bit of carbon in your filter.. but don't "clean" the filter medium too well, as this destroys the bacteria (the good ones).. that are living there.

Keep up the water changes.. say 15% twice a week should do it.

We really need to know how many fish in there and how long the tank has been set up..?

All the best.


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thanks for that

its just my little comunity tank, it has been set up for well over a year now so not new tank.

there is 3 plattys,4neons and 1 apple snails.so deffinatly not over stocked filter get rinced every so offten so not full of goop also has carbon in it.

im the only one who feeds them an i know how much to give there so wated food sitting about.no real plants :) (apple snail thinks they are yum)

and no dead fish :)

i feel clueless about this one must be algae (yes it is white cloudy) but how do i kill it off naturally

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and only rinse it with water from your tank!!!

When was the last time you changed the carbon?

It very quickly reaches it's UBD and is then only useful as an area for the bacteria to grow on.

If using medications in your tank, carbon is used for removing them, so remember to remove carbon when you treat your tank, and to use the carbon when the treatment is finished.

Alan 104

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:) i promess u all that i allway rince with tank water and never all the filter at once it has two sponges so only rince one at a time also i change carbon about once a month :)

i know all about the cycle and everything so u dont have to worrie about that iv been in to fish for quite a few years.

any other idears about getting rid of the whote cloude ???? with out killing my fish and snail

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HI Candy, i had this exact same problem, and i was stumped for a while too.

This is what i did.... I bought a phosphate test kit. Reading was medium (10ppm) but ideal is zero.

Then i noticed that the water when i came home from work was crystal clear, but seemd to go cloudy later on. seemed to happen after feeding time...

And also when ever i added fertilizer for my plants, it would go cloudy too. Literally before my eyes . I was suspicious of the chemicals in the fertilizer.

After a water change it would be fine for a couple of days , then back to cloudy....

SO i got to thinking...

1st, I started doing bigger water changes ( 15% increased to 30% per week) significant & immediate improvement.

Second, i added PhosEx to a hang on filter. Been running 2 months now and time for a change.

3rd Stopped using LFS fertilzers - now used PMDD - MUCH better!!

NOt quite sure exactly what the issue was, but with phosphates at zero now, everthing is good.



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