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wooden Tank decoration


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Can I use thoroughly washed, water blasted, well aged, old rustic Jarra / Ironwood Railway sleepers (Or parts of) in my freshwater tropical community tank without fear of tannins or other nefarious compounds leaching out? is it still necessary to boil such ancient weathered timbers? what about old weathered totara fence posts, does the same apply? Thanks in advance.

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Thanks Folks, Ill dispense with that idea. picked up some real old gnarly bits of (rata ?) down at the river (Pohangina river, by the Ruahine Ranges) If i sanitise them very best I can, Do you reckon that would be safe ish?

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I get rata and rimu from the beach at Hokitika where it washes down from the river. I give it a good scrub with a nail brush or old toothbrush, for those small, hard to reach places :wink: then rinse well and add it to the tank. Never had a problem.

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