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Oranda and his buddy not eating which is unusual for them!


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I recently got a new oranda goldfish, he is a rather large fish and I am told by his previous owners that he ate like a horse. Since being with me for five days he does not seem interested in eating at all. Have given him the same kind of food he used to but he just swims past it like it does not exist.

My water parameters were slightly out of sorts - Nitrites 0.25 but last night everything was perfect including ammonia 0, nitrites 0, PH 7.0 nitrates 10. I have four other fish living with him and the other one that I got from the same people also is not eating although I think this morning it did grap a small morsel. I have added aquarium salt to the tank for the sake of being a tonic plus, while the nitrites were high. Temp of tank is 23 degrees. I have three plants in the tank and a bubbler that aerates the tank. I have two filters, one is a smaller one that has nitra zorb in it and the other larger filter has one of the sponges in it and some more nitrazorb. I carefully put the nitrazorb stuff in stockings so that they could fit into my filters easily, as my filters are internal fluvals.

Please let me know why you think that my oranda and his friend are not eating. Is this normal? and when should I really worry? The other three have not lost their appetities at all. :cry:

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Hi radu and welcome to the site!

I can't think what might be wrong with your new fish except perhaps the stress of moving tanks. Tell us a little more about your set-up and perhaps someone with more experience than me may be able to help.

What size tank do you have? What exactly are the other fish that are in the tank with the oranda? A temperature of 23 degrees seems warm for a goldfish tank - are you using a heater or is it much warmer where you are? How long has the tank been set up?

Sorry for all the questions! I hope that your oranda and his friend start eating soon. He sounds like a lovely big fish.


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