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fishy family

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:o ok we have an artificial rock thingy with holes in it and our little bristlenose has been inside it all day. I am really worried cos I found our small platy dead in there thismorning. Do I take it out of the tank? Do I take a valium and wait patitently?

This is my sons tank and he was really upset to lose his angel (stuck between the heater and the side of the tank) and his platy in one weekend dont want to lose this guy too.

Robbie :o

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do you have single bristle nose or two??

could be looking after eggs.

or could be stuck but they're bristles can dig in making it impossible for you to get them out.

This is what i've learnt here so info is a bit second hand. I think i've got all that right maybe others can help as well :wink:

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Bristlenoses are nocturnal so to have it stay inside the rock all day would not be unusual in itself. Assuming the holes are large enough for the fishes to fit through, it should be ok to leave there.

Are you sure the angel and platy were stuck or perhaps they were unwell and drifted into the places you found them? What size is the tank (length, width and height) how long has it been set up and how many fish are in it?

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thanks for the replys :bow:

the tank is 42litres and we got it 2nd hand 3 weeks ago and we have 2 smallish angels 1 platy 6 neons a really small bristlenose who we spend most of our time looking for. Oh and a large snail.

I took out the reef / rock/ thingy but will probably put it back tomorrow now I know all is well.

We have been checking the water levels most days and it all seems to be ok so dont know what could have happened to the other platy.



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Hi there, we're new to this to and have recently added a bristlenose to our community tank. I thought he was dead and just holding onto the back of the tank by his mouth - I stayed there for ages watching for signs of movement. We've hardly seen him. But tonight he came and poked his head out quite a few times - I finally know what he looks like!!

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Seems to depend on the b/nose, with my standards you can only just see the bristles from his hidey hole and never see him out but my female is out and about every feeding time, my gold b/nose are nearly always out although they do most of their feeding at night.

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Should grow to somewhere between 9-13/14 cm.

You wont know what sex it is till it gets larger, the male gets a face full of bristles above the top lip and running up between the eyes (hence the name) and the female sometimes gets a few bristles around her top lip.

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love the wiskers. The thing was we were in the shop in the holidays with the kids and decided to get a bristle nose cos one of the boys said "he looks like dad" I will probably take him into my new tank when it is all systems go as my sons tank is too small for when he grows up.

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