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the oscar attacks!!

Dodgy Guy

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just a quick question.

in out tank we now have 1 x oscar, 1 x flower horn, 1 x pleco, 1 x pepper catfish and 2 x tin foil barbs.

why does the oscar ONLY attack the flower horn and pleco? he seems to leave our cat fish, even tho he'll be able to fit into his mouth, and our tin foil barbs alone



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Ok, well flower horn and pleco are seen to be a threat to the oscar, its a territory thing, tinfoils and catfish dont really pose a threat. I would have thought the flower horn would be doing all the damage, is it quite small?

I am trying a flower horn in my tank at the mo, it doesnt like my plec either but it doesnt touch my bichir, although ive got a close eye on him.

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Oscars are really intelligent fish, and you never can tell. I have had a few Oscars over the years, I have had to re-home two of them because he/she didn't like anyone, and the other because he/she was so placid that everyone kept picking on the poor thing.

The one I have at the moment is happy with everyone else in the the tanks (a few convicts, a jaguar, a jack dempsey, large leporanos, redhead, small flowerhorn and a pleco) - but he attacks me! :)

You will probably need to see how you go, and if things don't settle down, you may need to look at moving some of them.

Good luck! :D

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