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pH rebound


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I read on a bottle of pH down that this can occur when using this chem (or maybe it just happens)

Could someone please give me a simple explanation what this means.

I did a search and it came up with products and saying this will happen but could not get a straight answer on what causes it and what the affects would be.


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It means using the stuff only works for about 24 hours then the pH goes back to what it was :wink:

What is your pH and what are you wanting it to be? Peat to lower it or limestone to raise it is easier and more manageable (and cheaper).

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Peat can be bought from garden centres. Make sure it is natural or organic with nothing added, like mould inhibitors. YOu can put it in the foot of an old pair of pantyhose or similar then add it to the filter or tucked somewehre out of sight. You will have to play with the amount to get the desired drop.

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Thanks Caryl,thats great.

On the dwarf gouramis,I've been looking into them and it says to buy 2 or more(which suits me just fine),does this mean the same colour or is it ok to mix and match colour?

I think I read it here some where that the different colours are just like having a blonde and a brunette.

Does that seem right.


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Advice given to us was, get twice as many females as males due to the fact that males will scrap or harass females to breed and the more fish, the more the bullying/harassing will be spread around. Most people want males as the females are dull browny/silvery coloured (generally). So there should be at least 3 males or just 1.

Incidentally, we bought some dwarfs and they bred within a day of being together. Our parameters are/were as follows: A 2 foot tank (50l) with a shark AV 400(l/h) filter: pH-7.1, Temp-27.5C, lots of plants-riccia flutians, pennywort(both floaters), java moss(on a rock), some ambulia, water sprite, hygrophylla, a couple of unidentified others and some rocks to hide in. Oh yeah, and a 3" pleco, lol!

Caryl: Do you know how to identify the types of females? As we have no idea. We have 3, 1 slightly pinkish/beige, 2 yellowish/beige. The non-beige colours are very faint. Any ideas?



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Yes it is, I'm going to start and bring the pH down this weekend I'll do some water changes with tank water.

I have access to a tank I just have to travel 10 minutes to get it.I would have started with tank water if I had realised the restrictions it would put on the fish that I really want.

A couple of weeks of small water changes should do the trick, shouldn't it??


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