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Dwarf gourami mating allready!!


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Today our dwarf gouramis mated, we got three boys on Thursday then three girls yesterday. We took two of the boys out as the powder blue started building a bubble nest. We left the girls in and then one decided to mate with him.

Do they only mate the one time, or do they mate a few times in a brood?

We have a small tank to put the nest in, but should we put the male in there with them?

If we put the male in with them should I put the filter on and then turn it off as soon as the eggs hatch?

Is it true that they hatch within 30 or so hours?

Sorry bout all the questions, but I wasn't really expecting them to mate so soon and only know the basics.

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Do they only mate the one time, or do they mate a few times in a brood?

We have a small tank to put the nest in, but should we put the male in there with them?

If we put the male in with them should I put the filter on and then turn it off as soon as the eggs hatch?

Is it true that they hatch within 30 or so hours?

As you have found out yes, they will mate until she is empty or refuses his advances.

Take the female out now

OR you could move the nest, eggs AND male to the small tank.

No filter is required before or after the babies arrival.

He has still got a lota work to do.

He keeps blowing bubbles into the nest to force the eggs up to or higher than the water surface,

The eggs do hatch quickly, but the babies are not properly formed or ready for the big aquarium world.

More work for the male coming up.

The first you will see of the babies will be little black tails hanging from the bubble-nest.

Some of them try swimming or just plain fall outa the nest and the male will catch them and spit them back.

As soon as you see the babies swimmming freely, properly, remove the male and make sure you have green water, or the tank loaded with java moss.

Lower the water as soon as you put in the nest, and male, to about 2 or 3 inches and keep a well covering lid on to keep the humidity high in the tank

After a week in the moss, green-water, and you can also use hardboiled egg yolk squeezed thru a hankie, they will be ready to take BBS.

Have several snails in the tank with the babies, they will be the refuse removal officers and keep pollution to a minimum.

Aid them by syphoning off the bottom and replacing that water with water of similar standards.

Syphon thru a fine mesh net to catch any babies that may want to go visiting.


Alan 104

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I thought I would up date on the gourami, the fry are now free swimming I think we have about 20 of the little fellas. Its nearly impossible to count as they are so tiny.

Everything is going well, they are in a 10l tank by themselves at the moment with a lid to keep the air above them nice and warm. They seem to be eating so hopefully I can get a pic of them when they are bigger.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Great posts on Dwarf Gourami breeding Shannon and Vapo and thanks Alan for your good informative tips.

What type are your breeding pair Shannon?

Mine are, I believe, Neon Dwarf Gourami.

here is rather a blurred photo of the male. (hopefully He is a good 5.5cm I dont have a clear pic of the female yet, but she is rather smaller, silver grey with some colour on her anal fin. Cheers Davejey


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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Great posts on Dwarf Gourami breeding Shannon and Vapo and thanks Alan for your good informative tips.

What type are your breeding pair Shannon?

Mine are, I believe, Neon Dwarf Gourami.

here is rather a blurred photo of the male. (hopefully He is a good 5.5cm I dont have a clear pic of the female yet, but she is rather smaller, silver grey with some colour on her anal fin. Cheers Davejey


My male that created the big bubble nest is the same colour as yours.

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