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Some Basic Questions


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These will make you experienced people laugh, but never mind ;)

1/ How do I read the stick on thermometer on my tank? There's always 2 or 3 numbers "lit up". (at the moment there is 6!) One is quite dark bluey green, and then they sort of change, through to a browny colour. I did have goldfish in it so it didn't really matter, but am going to get a heater and change to tropicals in that tank.

2/ Regarding changing to tropicals, any ideas on what sort of fish to put in it? I'm wanting colourful one's that get on okay with each other. Would like some neon tetra's for a start, but what else? Tank is one of those dreaded octagonal one's ;) It is 40cm longx 40cm wide by 65cm high. (think I got that right. According to a website I checked, I can keep 26cm of fish in it. Does that sound right?

3/ I think my two goldfish tanks may be overstocked. They are the following:

Tank 1 = 60cm long x 30cm wide x 37cm high.

Tank 2 = 45cm long x 30cm wide x 30cm high.

Tank 1 has 2 5cm goldfish and 5 2cm goldfish. Has under gravel filter (which I've only just learnt you shouldn't use with goldfish, but my gravel is quite deep so should be okay?

Tank 2 has 2 5cm goldfish and 3 2cm goldfish. Also has under gravel filter. They all seem pretty healthy. I will admit I don't test the water :(

I think maybe I should just buy another tank........... or two :D

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The thermometer will register a green number representing the temp, I would guess it only goes down to 18 and is probably not reading anything on a goldfish tank. I find mine hard to read and have to shine a torch on mine to see the colour.

Colourful fish that get on with each other, Neons Platys Mollies Tetra and a whole host of others, just start with a few and add to them as time goes on

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I really dislike those digital thermometers.

The sun can stuff them up, and if you have more than one tank (I definately do) it would cost an arm and a leg to put one on each tank.

A hint for when you are buying a thermometer from your LFS.

Grab a handful of them, and look for the ones that read too high, and the ones that are too low.

They are only cheap and you get what you paid for.

So the mid-range ones should be fairly close to the right temp.

I also check mine with an expensive dairy thermometer.

Alan 104

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I use the suction cup glass thermometers and they seem to work well, as for buying another tank, two or more would be the way to go as there is no such thing as to many, just not enough room. You could have some guppies, swordtails, platties or mollies are peacefull, there are a few types of loaches that are good in a community tank e.g. clown, striata, yo-yo, queen, zebra, (stay clear of burmese tiger loaches, they are agro) a couple of otocinclus/corys/ b/nose as a clean up crew. Thats just to name a few. Check out your LFS as there are bound to be some tropicals that take your fancy : -)>

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Thanks for the ideas.

I spent $80-odd at the pet shop today :( Had to get another air pump, one of those bendable air curtain things, a couple of finches ;) and a heater. Got home and the heater was cracked on the bottom so have to take it back tomorrow. Didn't have much time to have a decent look at the fish, but might talk my partner into travelling over to Palmi tomorrow and looking at Wet Pets.

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I've used stick on ones and the ones that sit in the water. None of them are very accurate. I just bought a new heater for one of the tanks because the thermometer was telling me it was too cold. I tried turning the old one up but the thermometer didn't change.

Then I found out it was the thermometer, not the heater that was faulty


Are there any reliable ones out there?



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Hey Jude, I recommend the electronic digital thermometers. Has a nice LED display with a probe to put in the water. Here's a TradeMe auction, but you can get them from Hutt Pets for $12 - 10% discount. I have one that I use to test temps on three tanks, but I plan on getting some like this for my two big tanks. Has alarms, schedules and all kinds of cool stuff.

Cool thing about these thermometers is that they measure room temp as well. Heck, you could even hold the probe on your heater to see if your cat is burning her belly when sitting on it :)

Other parts I recommend are the Via Aqua heater series. They have a stainless steel heater, external control unit and an electronic temperature probe all in the same unit. I got one as part of my newest tank and it's wicked!

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