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Crossing Swords and Platties


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Thats very inccorrect, The swordtail is not a hybrid (manbred), swordtails and platy were discovered in two tottaly different area's of the world, and both without each species in co-existence, the colour just being the wild green, and not only that platy were found in tottally different areas than each other aswell, and when the two were bred together, we got colours. The reason we have coloured platy and coloured swordtails is mainly due to cross-breeding WAY back. BTW generally if you have male swordtails and female swordtails ina tank with platy, the male will consintrate on the female swordtails. Its only when he has no other ulternative that he will generaly turn to the female platy. There is quiet a difference if you look hard enough. And as we know, fish do talk!


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