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New Tank - New Fish HELP PLEASE :D


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I will be buying a new tank in the next week and am looking it set it up with some cichlids or bigger fish around 15cm or so max.

I have the following fish in my current tank and to move some into the new tank once it is ready but I am unsure which ones would go OK in this type of tank

Pearl Gouramis

Black Widow tetras

Tiger Barbs

Clown Loaches

Kuhli Loaches

Fire Eel

Butterfly Fish

Albino Pleco

Blackline Flying Foxes

Mystus catfish

I would also appreciated any suggestions on some cool bigger fish that would go well in this tank.

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This type of tank? What kind of new tank? By the way, Cichlids aren't really the best community fish, so you better do your homework before throwing in some new fish and getting half of those tetras eaten. I recommend any of the dwarf cichlids though.

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I know cichlids are the best community fish. Dont worry, I am not putting the tetras on a suicide mission, I will be keeping all the small peaceful fish in a different tank from the cichlids.

I dont mean to sound dumb but what are some names of dwarf cichlids?

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Please correct me if I'm wrong folks:

dwarf cichlids:



I've been told (here) that keyholes can go into a community tank and I think kribs too.



Not sure of other ones...yet :o

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Discus are Kings and go well with Tetras and Rams. Don't now what of the fish you are moving to your new tank so only what I like. Weelky water changes would be enough with say 3 Discus and heap of tetras plus a pair of Rams, May be the Plec if he doesn't try cleaning the Discus. The Barbs, Eel and Clown's could be a problem but may not be. Also the Keyholes and Cockatoos would be fine with them.

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Hey Guys,

What do you think of this mix

Community Tank

Pearl Gouramis

Black Widow tetras

Kuhli Loaches

Blackline Flying Foxes

New additions



Other Tank

Tiger Barbs

Clown Loaches

Fire Eel

Butterfly Fish

Albino Pleco

Mystus catfish

New additions

Dwarf cichlids - Kribs, keyholes etc

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It probly depends on what you want to do with them (discus). If you just want to look at them cool get big ones - If you want to breed them eventually - get a bunch of small ones and wait for them to pair off naturally. Theyre not cheap though - :cry:

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Mix looking good but have heard that Black widow tetras are nippers? Would like to put them in with some of mine but haven't keeped them b4 so don't know what they are like. I'ld put some Corys in there as well. try Phil collins NZDiscusman for more info and good prices.

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Black widow tetras ARE nippers. I have had mine separate with a sherpae tetra for a while because the sherpae was a major problem (down to just one of them now) and the widows were an occasional problem. I actually considered a tank with just the sherpae tetras AND black widows as they are beautiful fish, but certainly not good with long finned others. Today I added 2 blue threespot gouramis to the 'fin nipper' tank...and am keeping a close eye...so far it is peaceful, but they dont have those beautiful teasing flowing fins to attract the nippers ;).....

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I haven't had any issues with my black widows. The only issue I have with fin nipping in my tank is with the Tiger barbs but they only do it to their own kind.

I think I am going to have to do a lot of homework before getting any Discus. It looks like there is a lot that you can get wrong and so I want to make sure I can give them as good of a home as possible. Can anyone suggest a good resource for Discus keeping info?

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