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Filling the tank


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I have finally got all the gear together and am ready to fill my tank.

I have concerns with high pH in my tap water,it is well over 8(even tested it with 2 different kits).

As I don't have direct access to rain water and having to do plenty of water changes while cycling is the best alternative to get the pH down with some chemicals?

I don't really want to use chems but might have to.

Maybe if I can fill it the first time with rain water it will stay down doing changes from my tap?

Any advise greatly appreciated.


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Hi Greg,

The good news is, there's plenty of cichlids that like pH that high. As far as bringing down your pH, you can filter through peat or do any number of things to bring down your ph. Rainwater is a good solution, and finally I'd buy a bulk order of ph down as a last resort.

If you initially fill with rainwater and do tap water changes, you'l bring up your ph every time.

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GeeTee, I apears you tap water is very hard, and if you realy want to do some thing about it you may have to buy a reverse osmosis unit. this will remove the calcium and magnesium that makes you water hard.

(correct me if i'm wrong please)

however alot of fish that come from soft water biotypes can handle hard water ( orthou yours is very hard).

I suguest you go to your lfs and ask them what water they use it's probably the same , if it is look to see how healthy there fish are .

you will have to be VERY CAREFUL if you buy fish from out of town as there water may be very differant which can lead to gill shock and death.

the smart thing to do how ever is to listen to BlueandKim's advise and stick to fish that like hard water, this will elemenate problems with fish not liking your water and the fish will be so happy they spawn like crazy :D

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I really like the cichlids,I have been studying them a bit and found that they liked high pH and thought seriously about it.I will study them a bit more.

Need to know do they get aggressive to their own species and see if they are compatible with any other fish (as they seem to be aggressive) to get a bit of a cross section of fish in the tank.

Or buy some chems to get the pH down.

I'll get the tank cycled and go from there.

Let me know of any other fish that like high pH.


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Have been studying them just now and found that the Malawi are not to aggressive and like a very high pH.

Bluetom,do you like your African better than your community tank?

Is there more personality in one tank than the other?


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Thats like asking which child you love more ( not that i have any)

I like my Community tank because all the fish are so different, and i'm able t grow lush plants but i like my african because they are all really active fish with alot of attitude. They nip and chase each other a bit but with 18 it's pretty well spread out.

I found Malawi were the most common here thats why i got them, more people breed them around here. It's good if you can find breeders, i picked up all 18 for $70 when they can be like $25 each in shops for not a whole lot bigger.

So really the answer is....... :D:D

Hope that helps

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Only some african cichlids like high PH, south american, central american and a lot of other african cichilds other than the malawi and tanganyikan cichlids DON'T like the high PH. So, basically all the good cichlids don't like the high PH. :lol:

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Yes I like the idea of a planted tank so I will probly end up with a community tank this time around,I'll get the pH down.

I got some more glass today,might have to make a second tank sooner than I thought.

I think it's got me this fish keeping and I don't have fish in my tank yet and looking at another tank.My wife won't be happy.


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