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From pond to tank?


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Can a large goldfish that has been in a pond for years be brought back inside and put in a tank?

I'm sorry if this sounds silly, but I have no idea and didn't want to shock it by bringing it into the light and noise???

A friend has a new house with pond, they are landscaping and plan to remove the pond which is green and overgrowing with plants around the edge etc.., while they thought it didn't have any fish in it, they tell me that something HUGE splashed around when they started to bucket the water out.

So I haven't seen the fish yet but want to set up a tank ready for it, or should I put it in a tub outside??

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It would probably be OK but I don't think it would like being in a tank after having the run of a pond for so long. If you have an tub outside that would be better.

Are they sure it is a fish splashing about in the pond? Don't you have critters (along the lines of small Loch Ness monsters) living in ponds and dams over there?

If it was here someone would say it was a taniwha and the local iwi would claim the pond :D

Before someone claims racism, I have lots of maori relatives who would see that remark as the joke it was intended to be!

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Thanks for that Caryl,

It must have been a Bunyip :lol:

I went over for a look today and couldn't find anything, came home with a bucket load of weed though. They are going to punch a hole in the concrete bottom and let it drain tomorrow so I'll know then if there is anything in there or not. Ended up filling up the old bath out back just in case, and thought I'd better put the weed there for a bit before I add it to my tanks.

OR Should I put a bottle of something in with the weed to sterilise it first??

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Bunyip was the word I was looking for. All I could think of was yabbies or yabbas (or was that yobbos?) :lol: and I knew that wasn't right.

I don't know what critters you have in wild pond weed over there. Since it was someone's pond.. hmm, I don't know. Wouldn't hurt to sterilise the weed I guess but I am not sure of the best method to do this.

Anyone else able to help here?

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well there is definately nothing in there, and I had the job of scooping through the sludge (pooh!) in the bottom of the pond just to be sure as they were just going to fill it in. I was really hoping to find something too.

So Mr Bunyip has moved on to make way for the Yobbo barbeque area :lol:


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The splash you mentioned earlier could have been an eel.

They tend to move around a bit from pond/dam to pond/dam, and can go some fair distances overland if the grass is moist.

At a previous farm we had, there was a couple of eels around four foot long that would feed from your hand. Never had a bored visitor once you showed them the eels :)

Your turn on the NTF btw dianna :)

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