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Calico fantail & guppies!


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Will try to get better pics soon :o

Calico fantail...right?




Would like to introduce you to Slim & Jim

Jim..can't see his colors :(


Slim...white bottom, pretty orange on rest of him...he didn't want to pose, but if you look closely...he is waving :lol:


Not much of a variety here for backgrounds, I didn't want to use the same for this tank so used the all blue. But, I am wondering...how do you think a bubble wall would look? May or may not try it.

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Hi Caper

I love the calico fantail goldfish but my daughter wouldn't choose one when she was getting her fish :cry: I tried to be brave since they are her fish, not mine. I wonder if yours will change colours at all as it grows.

The guppies are pretty too. Is that Slim's tail at the edge of the first picture?

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Hi mustcooktea :P

Yup...that's Slim's tail. I will try to get better pics of him and Jim.

Puff (calico fantail)...well, I don't know still looking for more info on them. Are they supposed to change colors?

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What a friendly fish - I can see he is waving :lol:

I think calicos tend to keep their colours but brown goldfish can go red or orange, red or orange ones can go white and I had 2 orange goldfish once whose bodies stayed red but the fins all went white. Looked gorgeous!

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Hmmm....anybody out there have calico fantails...do they change color?

This is Slim...I don't understand...just looking at him he looks orange and white...but in the pic...colors look different...could it be reflections & such?


Slim & Jim


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Your pics are getting better caper! :wink: There is colour variation due to reflections and stuff from the flash.

Is there any reason why you chose bright blue gravel? I know it is a personal preference so don't take offence but I think a more natural colour looks nicer. All that colour in the gravel and ornaments detracts from the fish. I have never seen that bright blue gravel in nature in a riverbed have you? It is obviously popular though or pet shops wouldn't sell it in a variety of such bright colours. :-?

If you like it, then that is all that matters.

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The gravel is darker than it looks in the pics. They didn't have much to pick from another lighter blue, red, green, white, multicolor and an almost beige color. I was told that the beige would always look dirty...soooooooo :roll:

Yah...I agree...I need a lesson in aquascaping (right word?).

My 10 gallon has incadescent lights. The 29 gallon has one florescent. I like it but I find its not bright enough...no, maybe that's not the best way to describe it...more like, doesn't light all of the tank, sorry not explaining very well :roll: Love the fact that it doesn't heat up the tank like the incadescents!

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