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fishy bie fishy die!


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From what I've been reading, just about any fish can become aggressive...is that true?

But I though platies were considered non-agressive. I'm hoping, if I can get something other than red wag to add more to my tank but I only want males. So what happened with Chakuna's, males attacking males, is this more of an unsual thing as compared to the "norm"????? :roll: :roll:

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There is aggression and there is aggression. The males of many species get territorial as they grow and will chase away other males they consider a threat. In some cases this just means 'chase', in others, they will actively attack and maim - even kill in some species.

Platys etc do have aggressive dominant males who will kill other males.

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Ok...so sometimes its more of territorial thing then as opposed to...I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!

Does the absence of females make a difference, I ask since I don't want females?

Just noticed Caryl...someone has my secret name "nervous wreck" :lol: :lol:

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To be honest I don't know whether having females or not makes a difference to male aggression. I don't have any livebearers myself.

Nervouswreck is a mate from another forum which seems to have shut down so I suggested he join us here :wink:

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