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Didn't know we had Hydra in NZ.. but in answer to your questions..

do i need to worrie about them

Yup.. you sure do.. they can attack and kill small fish.

can i get rid of them easly?

Don't know of an "easy" way.. I think the last lot I had back in the UK came in with some Argulus (sp).. (Water louse).. and I used Potassium permanganate to kill them off.. but OH.. what a mess it made.

Someone else may offer a solution other than this drastic measure.


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This is what I got off the net to cure it. It was actualy tested by the guy himself.

****Cure: "Add one teaspoonful of vinegar to every two gallons of water in the tank. Concentration may be increased". I started off at the suggested rate amount of white vinegar, one teaspoonful to 2 gallons. The fish appeared to be all right but the Hydra were uncomfortable and retracted into squat blobs of a greyish colour and some fell to the aquarium bottom. Was this chemicial warfare going to be effictive? I increased the strength to double that recommended. I.e. by adding another teaspoonful per gallon, the mixture ratio was noe 1 teaspoonful per 1 gallon.

It definitely worked but after a day or so the water went cloudy and requireed a water change for several days until the water clarity was restored. This cure worked in the stronger solution.

I now used this solution in tanks 1 -5. Score total victory for me.

I wish this story had a happy ending but last week I noticed a few isolated Hydra back in two tanks… you may think you are safe now that the Aliens have been conquered as well as the Body Snatchers also the Creature from The Black Lagoon…. But beware the HYDRA are coming. In fact they might already be in your tanks, hiding.****

I know that it would require a lot of water changes afterwards but if it won't harm the fish then its worth it to get rid of the hydra.

Wasn't to sure on how quickly you were seeking a responce so I have been searching since 6.30am lol :P

What....... its not like anyone else is awake at this hour in my house :P

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thanks for your help ive stoped feeding microworms and they appear to be dieing off so far my fish seem fine the hydra have been prolific for at least 2 weeks and ive got lots of guppy and platy fry in there some only days old and they dont seem to be geting affected to any noticeable level my b/ns seem to like eating them so hopefully with some luck they will remove them selfs before i have to turn to chemicl warfare thanks for your advise


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