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Golden Algae Eaters


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I just got a couple of golden algae eater, the slightly bigger one enjoys chasing the slightly smaller one. I was wondering if anyone had any information on them? Couldn't find any by seach this site.



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Hiya Ryan,

I'm guessing you got the GAEs from Animates. It's basically an albino/golden version of a Chinese Algae Eater. Behavior is - juveniles peaceful towards each other; progressively territorial as they grow. May also graze on skin mucus of other fish. BEST TO HAVE ONE OF THESE GUYS IN A TANK BY ITSELF, WILL KILL OTHERS!!!

Your fishy is basically a sucking loach from Thailand and almost impossible to breed. Latin/scientific name is Gyrinocheilus aymonieri and they can grow up to 27cm, but usually much smaller.

editied by Bruce(Mod)

PM me if the smaller of the two is getting beat up too bad and you don't have another tank to put him in.


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I had two of the CAE's and never had a problem with them, the only thing I learn't about thier aggression was if you put them in at the same time they get along fine, that is what happened to mine and they were happy as.

unfortunately it ended in a suicide pact as they both jumped from thier tnk on the same night.


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