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n00b question over here


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Today I was doing a water change and decided to vacuum the driftwood as I noticed some leftover bloodworm and tubifex worms falling over it occassionally during feeding. After I was done with the water change I noticed a few small (1/2 cm) hairlike white worms wriggling in the water which my congo tetras devoured upon sight. Parasites or leftover food that's reproducing? I've read through all my "fish disease" books and they don't really cover worms that aren't actually on the fishies....

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Thanks guys! I just had to give the congos a bit of food to get their minds off spawning (comm tank is no place to try and lay eggs) but will let the fishies go hungry for a couple days. Honestly, not a big issue if it's just planaria. They're pretty natural in a tank and not an issue unless theybecome an infestation.

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