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Could this be the end :`(


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I have noticed one of my female guppies (due to drop soonish) has got a little hole under her tummy with what looks like some of her insides hanging out. What would cause this?? All I have is guppies and one B/N. I don't think the BN would of caused it as they have never bothered each other before and the BN keeps to itself.

I already guess that shes a gonner as there is no way I can poke it back in but was wondering what would cause this? She had some babies about 1-2 weeks ago but she didn't look like she droped them all and was still pretty fat afterwards and is even fatter now. Should I put her in the breeding net and just see what happens? Or do I put her out of her misery now? She doesn't seem to be bothered by it. Shes swimming about and eating like all the others. Just be sad to lose yet another female. The males will start to get grumpy with each other if this keeps up. lol

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Well I have seperated her off into the breeding trap with some floating plant. She seems happy enough and it would be a real shame to lose her as I have yet to keep any fry off her and she has some nice colours (very light) in her tail and would be nice to see what the fry would be like.

But yeah I have got her aside to see how things go over the next day or two.

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I too would give it a few days to see what happens.

You say:

She doesn't seem to be bothered by it. Shes swimming about and eating like all the others.

Is there a chance she is aborting some of the young that were undeveloped from the last drop.. or discharging some of the left over undeveloped embroys..?

Hard to say.. but I would give her a while.


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yeah I thought that at first to but when I looked properly there was an actual hole in her stomach (just before the "poo hole") Its not very large at all but when I first saw it she had what looked like clear tubing hanging out (intestines) but when I put her in the breeding net/trap it had gone. I guessed it came off but the hole is still there so as you all say I will give her a few days. If she gets worse over the next 48hrs then it will have to be bye bye and get more female guppies! I got more Males than Females and I think the guys are getting a bit sick of competing with each other lol

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hi there,

i had a guppy just recently did the exact same thing. soon after delivery it was like she had a prolapsed intestine or something. it went back in by itself, then out again later. then she got fuzzy stuff on her when my water quality went off, looked like she was going to die. is looking all droopy and twisted - as they do when they get old. now got whitespot, no-one else in tank had it. put her down, looking pretty unwell.

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